Data parsed from MAINTAINERS files

Probably only interesting if you are (or should be) listed in a MAINTAINERS file

In a few days (perhaps more…), people in /trunk/MAINTAINERS will receive new instructions on how to approve SVN account requests (via a system called Mango). These emails will go to everyones email address listed in LDAP. Obviously, that LDAP email address needs to correct. Also, the information in /trunk/MAINTAINERS should have been parsed correctly. I’ve emailed everyone who had a mismatch between the MAINTAINERS email address and LDAP. However, I already noticed for some people their LDAP email address as well as the one in /trunk/MAINTAINERS bounce (oops).

To see the data parsed from the MAINTAINERS files, click here. This file is sorted by account name. It has two lists. One shows possible invalid data. The second list contains all maintainers found from the various MAINTAINERS files.

If you want to ensure there are no mistakes, please check the file and look for your userid. It shows your email address (spam protected) and the modules you are a maintainer of. If you are not listed at all or if some module is missing, please check the /trunk/MAINTAINERS file for typo’s. See lgo/MaintainersCorner if you are interested in the syntax.

Update: If the information between LDAP and the MAINTAINERS file differs on purpose, you can of course ignore the mail you received from Mango.

4 Replies to “Data parsed from MAINTAINERS files”

  1. Thanks a lot for posting our email addresses on a public web page. The spammers will love you for this.

  2. Ehr, did you take a look at the file? How would you parse that? Someone has to specifically try to parse that file; it far more difficult than just ” AT ” -> “@”, ” DOT ” -> “.”.

  3. I’ve removed the email addresses for the maintainers section. Although I don’t think it will be harvested, there is no real point in showing that info (if there is a doubt regarding the email address, it’ll be listed in the first table).

  4. It is probably safe to publish the addresses from the MAINTAINERS files (with spam protection) because these are already on the web: you can get them from and from several sites that are monitoring GNOME SVN. In addition, all released packages end up on various web sites, including Google Code Search.

    On the other hand, the data from LDAP may be a bit more sensitive because some maintainers may not expect it to be public. They may have submitted an address that they do not want to be seen by spammers, or even by other GNOME users.

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