Glade 3.10 and 3.8 out the door

Glade 3.10 and 3.8 actually happened.

Thanks to:

  • Juan Pablo the Magnificent our hero who is responsible for
    the sexy new workspace look and feel (and also there to help
    me fix and wrap up the builds in the last minute).
  • Marco Diego Aurélio Mesquita for his work on the new preview feature
  • Florent Thévenet for creating icons for every widget class
  • Openismus GmbH for sponsoring my work on Glade.
  • Dozens of contributors who helped polish Glade, reported and fixed bugs.

There has been so much to do in these last moments wrapping up Glade that I have forgotten to include translator credits… so after this blog post I will follow up on my release mails with that.

I’m very proud that we actually came this far, while I think we’re moments late for the GNOME 3.0 release and also a few freeze breaks seem to have occurred, Juan Pablo and I stayed up very late last night making sure we had something worth while so… there better not be any bugs (i.e. you better love it !)  😉

Enjoy !


One thought on “Glade 3.10 and 3.8 out the door”

  1. hi!!!

    is there any bin for win32?

    i’m onto windows 7

    do i have to build it myself? is that possible?

    does python 3.2 will be supported in the future?


    any answer would much appreciated, meanwhile i’ll stick with 3.6.7

    best regards from argentina!!

    p.d.: as you can guess i begun learning python and Glade it’s the coolest toolkit i found.

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