Bustle 0.7.1: jumping the ticket barrier

Bustle 0.7.1 is out now and supports monitoring the system bus, without requiring any prior system configuration. It also lets you monitor any other bus by providing its address, which I’ve already used to spy on ibus traffic.

Screenshot: Bustle monitoring IBus messages.

Bustle used to try to intercept all messages by adding one match rule per message type, with the eavesdrop=true flag set. This is how dbus-monitor also worked when Bustle was created. This works okay on the session bus, but for obvious reasons, a regular user being able to snoop on all messages on the system bus would be undesirable; even if you were root, you had to edit the policy to allow you to do this. So, the Bustle UI didn’t have any facility for monitoring the system bus; instead, the web page had some poorly-specified instructions suggesting you remove all restrictive policies from the system bus, reboot, do your monitoring, then reimpose the security policies. Not very stetic!

D-Bus 1.5.6 ((or version 0.18 of the spec if you’re into that)) added a BecomeMonitor method explicitly designed for debugging tools: if the bus considers you privileged enough, it will send you a copy of every future message that passes through the bus until you disconnect. Privileged enough is technically implementation defined; the reference implementation is that if you are root, or have the same UID as the bus itself, you can become a monitor.

Three panels: woman smiling while looking at computer screen; mouse pointer pointing at 'Become a fan' button from an old version of Facebook; woman has been replaced by a desk fan.

Bustle, which runs as a regular user, needs to outsource the task of monitoring the system bus to some other privileged process. The normal way to do this kind of thing – as used by tools like sysprof – is to have a system service which runs as root and uses polkit to determine whether to allow the request. The D-Bus daemon itself is not about to talk to polkit (itself a D-Bus service), though, and when distributed with Flatpak it’s not possible for Bustle to install its own system service.

I decided to cheat and assume that pkexec – the polkit equivalent of sudo – and dbus-monitor are both installed on the host system. A few years ago, dbus-monitor grew the ability to dump out raw D-Bus messages in pcap format, which by pure coincidence is the on-disk format Bustle uses. So Bustle builds a command line as follows:

  • If running inside a Flatpak, append flatpak-spawn --host
  • If trying to monitor the system bus, pkexec
  • dbus-monitor --pcap [--session | --system | --address ADDRESS]

It launches this subprocess, then reads the stream of messages from its stdout. In the system bus case, polkit will prompt the user to authenticate and approve the action:

Screenshot: Authentication is needed to run /usr/bin/dbus-monitor as the super user.

Assuming you authenticate successfully, the messages will flow:

Screenshot: Bustle recording messages on the system bus.

There are a few more fiddly details:

  • If the dbus-monitor subprocess quits unexpectedly, we want to show an error; but if the user hits cancel on the polkit authentication dialog, we don’t. pkexec signals this with exit code 126. Now you know why I care about flatpak-spawn propagating exit codes correctly: without that, Bustle can’t readily distinguish these two cases.
  • Bustle’s old internal monitor code did an initial state dump of names and their owners when it connected to the bus. dbus-monitor doesn’t do this yet. For now, Bustle waits until it knows the monitor is running, then makes its own connection to the same bus and performs the same state dump, which will be captured by the monitor and end up in the same stream. This means that Bustle in Flatpak still needs access to the session and system buses.
  • Once started, dbus-monitor only stops when the bus exits, it tries and fails to write to its stdout pipe, or it is killed by a signal. But sending SIGKILL from the unprivileged Bustle process to the privileged dbus-monitor process has no effect. Weirdly, if I run pkexec dbus-monitor --system in a terminal, I can hit Ctrl+C and kill it just fine. (Is this something to do with controlling terminals? Please tell me if you know how I could make this work.) So instead we just close the pipe that dbus-monitor is writing to, and assume that at some point in the future it will try and fail to log a new message to it. ((I’ve realised while writing this post that I can bring “some point in the future” forward by just connecting to the bus again.))
  • Why bother with the pcap framing when Bustle immediately takes it back apart? It means messages are timestamped in the dbus-monitor process, so they’re marginally more likely to be accurate than they would be if the Bustle UI process (which might be doing some rendering) was adding the timestamps.

On the one hand, I’m pleased with this technique, because it allows me to implement a feature I’ve wanted Bustle to have since I started it in 2008(!). On the other hand, this isn’t going to cut it in the general case of a Flatpaked development tool like sysprof, which needs a system helper but can’t reasonably assume that it’s already installed on the host system. Of course there’s nothing to stop you doing something like flatpak-spawn --host pkexec flatpak run --command=my-system-helper com.example.MyApp ... I suppose…

When is an exit code not an exit code?

TL;DR: I found an interesting bug in flatpak-spawn which taught me that there is a difference between the exit code you pass to exit(), the exit status reported by waitpid(), and the shell variable $?.

One of the goals of Flatpak is to isolate applications from the host system; they can normally only directly run external programs supplied by the Flatpak platform they are built against, rather than whatever executables happen to be installed on the host. But some developer tools do need to be able to run commands on the host system. One example is GNOME Builder, which allows you to compile software on the host; another is flatpak-builder which uses this to build flatpak:s from within a flatpak. (For my part, I’m occasionally working on making Bustle run pkexec dbus-monitor --system on the host, to allow reading all messages on the system bus (a privileged operation) from an unprivileged, sandboxed application. More on this in a future blog post.)

Flatpak’s session helper provides a D-Bus API to do this: a HostCommand method that launches a given command outside the sandbox and returns its process ID; and a HostCommandExited signal which is emitted when the process exists, with its exit status as a uint32. Apps can use this D-Bus API directly, but recent versions of the common runtimes include a wrapper command which is much easier to adapt existing code to use: just replace cat /etc/passwd with flatpak-spawn --host cat /etc/passwd.

In theory, flatpak-spawn --host propagates the exit status from the command it runs, but I found that in practice, it did not. For example, false is a program which does nothing, unsuccessfully:

$ false; echo exit status: $?

But when run via flatpak-spawn --host, its exit status is 0:

$ flatpak run --env='PS1=sandbox$ ' \
> --talk-name=org.freedesktop.Flatpak \
> --command=bash org.freedesktop.Sdk//1.6
sandbox$ flatpak-spawn --host false; echo exit status: $?

If you care whether the command you launched succeeded, this is problematic! The first clue to what’s going on is in the output of flatpak-spawn --verbose:

sandbox$ flatpak-spawn --verbose --host false; echo exit status: $?
F: child_pid: 18066
F: child exited 18066: 256
exit status: 0

Here’s the code, from the HostCommandExited signal handler:

g_variant_get (parameters, "(uu)", &client_pid, &exit_status);
g_debug ("child exited %d: %d", client_pid, exit_status);

if (child_pid == client_pid)
  exit (exit_status);

So exit_status is 256, even though false actually returns 1. If you read man 3 exit, you will learn:

void exit(int status);

The exit() function causes normal process termination and the value of status & 0377 is returned to the parent (see wait(2)).

256 == 0x0100 and 0377 == 0x00ff; so exit_status & 0377 == 0. Now we know why flatpak-spawn returns 0, but why is exit_status equal to 256 rather than 1 in the first place?

It comes from a g_child_watch_add_full() callback. The g_child_watch_add_full() docs tell us:

In many programs, you will want to call g_spawn_check_exit_status() in the callback to determine whether or not the child exited successfully.

Following the link, we learn:

On Unix, [the exit status] is guaranteed to be in the same format waitpid() returns.

And reading the waitpid() documentation, we finally learn that the exit status is an opaque integer which must be inspected with a set of macros. On Linux, the layout is, roughly:

  • When a process calls exit(x), the exit status is ((x & 0xff) << 8); the low byte is 0. This explains why the exit_status for false is 256.
  • When a process is killed by signal y, the exit status is stored in the low byte, with its high bit (0x80) set if the process dumped core. So a process which segfaults and dumps core will have exit status 11 | 0x80 == 11 + 128 == 139

What’s funny about this is that, if the subprocess segfaults and dumps core, when testing from the shell flatpak-spawn --host appears to work.

host$ /home/wjt/segfault; echo exit status: $?
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
exit status: 139
sandbox$ flatpak-spawn --verbose --host /home/wjt/segfault; echo exit status: $?
F: child_pid: 20256
F: child exited 20256: 139
exit status: 139

But there’s a difference between this and a process which actually exits 139:

sandbox$ flatpak-spawn --verbose --host /bin/sh -c 'exit 139'; echo exit status: $?
F: child_pid: 20481
F: child exited 20481: 35584
exit status: 0

I always thought these two were the same. Actually, mapping the signal that killed a process to $? = 128 + signum is just shell convention.

To fix flatpak-spawn, we need to inspect the exit status and recover the exit code or signal. For normal termination, we can pass the exit code to exit(). For signals, the options are:

  • Reset all signal() handlers to SIG_DFL, then send the signal to ourselves and hope we die
  • Follow the shell convention and exit(128 + signal number)

I think the former sounds scary and unreliable, so I implemented the latter. Imperfect, but it’ll do.