What a great time in Ohio!

This was my first year attending the Ohio Linux Fest, and what a great event. I had a chance to meet lots of cool people and have some great conversations. The .ORG Desktop Corner, which consisted of Foresight, GNOME, Fedora and Ubuntu Ohio Loco, was a real smash. We had the first 4 tables near the entrance, and was so much more crowded than the rest of the show. Linux on the desktop was obviously important to people this year.

Kevin did a great job running the Foresight, with some great help from Ryan, and Michael. We had 250 DVDs to give out, which I think ran out after just a couple hours, and lots of stickers.

On Friday night, Jorge Castro and I were invited to give a talk about GNOME on Saturday (another talk was canceled). Obviously with short notice, we had to do a little cramming to get some slides ready and figure out how we would tag team the talk. Fortunately I think both Jorge and I work best under pressure, and things seem to go off well (besides OOo eating Jorge’s work). I hope all that attended enjoyed it as much as I did.

In the afternoon, Michael and I hosted a Conary BoF. We had a pretty full room, and everyone seemed to “get it”. Lots of great questions, and we spent some time to really talking about the stuff we love. We even ran over by an hour, and nobody seemed anxious to leave… which must be a good sign 🙂

No question, I will be going back next year!

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