Looking for a new logo in gedit

Yeah!! that is our current logo, it looks sooooo old, so we are starting a contest to pick a new one. If you feel brave enought to make us one, here are a few requisites for the logo:

  • The logo should be under a free license compatible with gedit’s license
  • The logo should be in a format editable with free tools and possibly realized with free tools
  • The logo should say gedit, not Gedit or GEdit or gEdit
  • The logo should be stylish but simple with not too many colors
  • The logo should have a transparent background to fit in different contexts like web-pages, about dialog etc

While you are free to come up with something that looks totally new, here are some suggestions to please some of the maintainers that are going to pick the winning logo:

  • We would like to avoid cartoonish logos and cartoonish fonts
  • Do not simply take the text-editor icon and stick “gedit” on top 🙂
  • For historical reasons we would like to keep the current dark red color

Finally, to send us your proposals, you have to send us an email with the logo to: “pborelli AT gnome DOT org”, “jessevdk AT gnome DOT org” and “icq AT gnome DOT org”

Thanks in advance.

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21 Responses to Looking for a new logo in gedit

  1. Jones Lee says:

    Please post this on http://live.gnome.org/GnomeArt/ArtRequests as well.

    In regarding of avoiding cartoonish, is the new GNOME style okay for you? http://people.freedesktop.org/~jimmac/icons/#git

    What about modify this icon (http://git.gnome.org/cgit/gnome-icon-theme/plain/gnome/256×256/apps/accessories-text-editor.png) to have the pencil in red color and the script on the notepad is gedit?

  2. Tim says:

    While I applaud your effort I think it might be time to also abandon the name gedit.

    gsomething is a bad naming scheme and it’s nearly extinct by now.

  3. Tim says:

    For the 2.30 cycle it’s probably too late but I thin it would be a nice touch for Gnome 3.0

  4. pbor says:

    Here is a very rough sketch of what I had in mind, but don’t let it stop you from proposing something completely different.


    Tim: while in general I am not a fan of “gnames” either, gedit has more than ten years of history and we are quite fond of that name

  5. Kshegzyaj says:

    Just sent an email…and also uploaded a preview on my DeviantArt :
    Let me know if this matches what you’re looking for.

  6. Ignacius says:

    I support the name change.

  7. Jeff Walden says:

    Agree about a name change.

    Why should the logo consist of text? Greater mental overhead to recognize and all that, not so great for international use, etc.

  8. Mark Smith says:

    Second the name change idea. Or third. Or fourth.

    g* sucks for names.

  9. Pingback: Se busca logotipo para gedit « Gnometips

  10. Trung LE says:

    My +1 for new name. G* or K* sux.

    Probably you have been in discussion with many artists before about using the stock notepad icon for About Dialog, I would love to raise this up again.

    • nacho says:

      Well as we said above, gedit is an old recognized name that we don’t have in mind to change. Anyway this is post is about changing the logotipo not the name. Thanks anyway for the proposal.

  11. krit says:

    I like the name gedit and don’t support a name change.

    But why should the logo contain the name? The most icon themes use a variant of http://git.gnome.org/cgit/gnome-icon-theme/plain/gnome/256×256/apps/accessories-text-editor.png

    So why not taking somethin like this as logo, without the name.. I think the most users are attuned to this logo and identify it as gedit.

  12. Tobias says:

    Alternative proposal:

    Ditch the logotipo and go for the themed app icon. Almost every other app on the platform does this. Gedit is one of the few apps that have this luxury in the about dialog.

    You can go for something larger than 48×48, like the g-i-t accessories-text-editor in 128×128. But all the other apps just use the icon theme:


  13. Kshegzyaj says:

    By the way, it would be interesting to have a list/preview of every logotype that has been proposed yet.

  14. Anonymous says:

    New GEdit logo… Totally worthy of a blog post.

    The logo is more important than GTK or its asstacious interface (widgets, etc.).

    Got it.

  15. oliver says:

    I support the idea of not having a dedicated logo for gedit. If you want to turn gedit into a recognizable “brand”, maybe really center it around the current Gnome Text Editor icon?
    Keep the colors (white, orange, block border) and the layout (text pad, spirals at top, pencil from right top) and you have a simple icon and logo which might be recognized by users.

  16. Jones Lee says:

    @Tobias: I am with you on this. Themed app icon gEdit would look more friendly on GNOME.

    It’s better to ditch logotipped icon for the fact of should the name will be changed in future.

  17. Pingback: Design By Izo | The online showcase of Ian Cylkowski

  18. Pingback: Club Silencio » New logo

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