Today is my last day at work. I’ll have the next week off and after that, I’m hoping to live in Manhattan, New York City, to finish my studies (biomedical sciences) at the Weill Medical College (Cornell University) there. I can’t wait to go there. But I know I’ll leave a lot behind me for the next six months. I’m not expecting to have much time left for GNOME or GStreamer for the next six months… And I’ll definately miss my friends here. :-(. We watched the movie “Discovery of Heaven” together yesterday, sort of a “last goodbye” for me. I’m expecting to see them once or twice next week, but I’m already starting to get that feeling that I miss them, and I’m not even gone yet. Still makes you drop a tear…

On the bright side of things, I can say that during the last month (when I worked on GStreamer for work), a lot of good stuff happened. I mostly rewrote and finished GStreamer’s Plugin Writer’s Guide (which had been unfinished for almost 2 years now). I’ve done quite a lot of work in basic video encoding, recording and parsing (mostly DivX and MPEG) and I just had a lot of fun. GNOME media seems to work fine too, finally, so things are good. I’ll continue working for the company while in New York, but only a few hours per week.

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