I fell in love with GAction

A few weeks ago, while working on Fractal, I rediscovered something I had completely forgotten about: GAction. I don’t remember how I came across it, but it was definitely love at second sight, because for the next days I didn’t do much other than refactor Fractal and replace code with Actions wherever I could.

Of course, if you like something a lot you have to be careful to use it only where it’s appropriate. For me it was basically when it’s a user action then it should use GAction, or in other word if it’s a response to an user input, like clicking on a button, then it should be a GAction.

Now, how do you use GAction? Since GAction is only an interface we need to use a class implementing it. The most simple class we can use is of course GSimpleAction as the name already implies. Since I’m writing most of my code in Rust these days, all examples will be in Rust.

// We have to create a SimpleActionGroup
let actions = SimpleActionGroup::new();
// Currently we can't use any Variant type we want, we are limited to the most basic ones like strings, numbers, and bools
let reply = SimpleAction::new("reply", glib::VariantTy::new("s").ok());
// And then we have to add it to the ActionGroup
// The last thing we have to do is to connect to the activate singal
reply.connect_activate(move |action, data| {
//Do whatever you want in here, e.g. open a file dialog

The above code shows how an action is created. Let’s see how you can use it.

The first thing we need to do is add the created ActionGroup to a Widget. The action will then be available for all children of that widget, so it’s best to add it to a Container or a Box which allows us to have children.

// Create a Box
let b = gtk::Box::new(gtk::Orientation::Horizontal, 0);
// Add the action group we created before to the widget
box.insert_action_group("something", &actions);

Now the actions are available to all children of the box with the prefix “something”. In our example “something.reply” would be the name of the action. Given a GTKButton you can set the action_name and the target_value of the widget, because it implements GtkActionable. The code basically looks like this:

// Create a new GTK button
let button: gtk::Button = gtk::Button::new();
// We need to use a Variant to store the string we want to set as the target value
let data = glib::Variant::from("some string");
// Set the action name
// We also need to set the target value
// If we don't do this, GLib will complain that we didn't call the action with the correct target and won't execute the action

You could also set the properties via the .ui file. When you replace the event handlers of clicks with actions you can really streamline your code base.

I showed the basic usage of the GAction in the above examples, but you should definitely have a look at the GAction documentation to see all the potential it has. Also, GPropertyAction is awesome because it allows you to control GObject properties directly via Actions. Sadly, the Rust bindings for it are not in a stable release yet, but they were added to master a couple of months ago.

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