I am very pleased to announce Foresight This is an incremental release to the 0.9.8 series. Xorg now includes AIGLX support by default, beryl (compiz fork) will be coming real soon. GNOME has been updated to 2.16.1.
Other updates:
- glib=2.12.4
- gutenprint=5.0.0
- raa=1.0.6
- gimp=2.3.11
- gnome-sudoku=0.6.1
- gtk=2.10.6
- pango=1.14.5
- pygobject=2.12.2
- pygtk=2.10.2
- evolution=2.8.1
- MPlayer-codecs=20060611
- brasero=0.4.91
- last-exit=3
- mono=1.1.17
- Mesa=6.5.1
- gnome-cups-manager=0.31
- glipper=0.89-1-1
Please file issues at https://issues.foresightlinux.org, they are appreciated!