NetworkManager 1.2 is here!

The NetworkManager team just released NetworkManager 1.2, and it is the biggest update in over a year. With almost 3500 commits since the previous major release (1.0), this release  delivers many new key features:

  • Less dependencies
  • Improved Wi-Fi and IPv6 privacy
  • Wider support for software devices
  • Improved command line tool
  • Better documentation
  • Support for multiple concurrent VPN sessions

Let’s have a closer look!

Continue reading NetworkManager 1.2 is here!

NetworkManager 1.0.12 brings a couple of fixes

Hello there!

It’s quite some time since we’ve done an update to the 1.0.x version. As it matures,  we’re busy getting the 1.2.x tree ready for release. Nevertheless, fixes waiting to be delivered have accumulated over the time, so we’re releasing them now.

The new version fixes a number of issues, such as

  • a crash in Wi-Fi management that has been bothering users according to the volume of ABRT bug reports,
  • ordering of the NetworkManager.service in systemd-managed distributions
  • a low severity race condition that could cause a leak of connection secrets (Wi-Fi password) to a local authenticated user
  • bad behavior when another tool created a Wi-Fi monitor mode interface

You can read more in the NEWS file or the Release Announcement.

If your distributor ships NetworkManager 1.0.x, you can probably expect an update soon. Fedora 23 users can grab the new release from the updates-testing repository, Fedora 24 testers already run a 1.2.x snapshot.

PS: Thanks for responses to the user survey. It’s very valuable to us. We’re reading every single of the 1500 responses, so it may take time till we respond to yours. Thanks for the patience.
