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3 Responses to About

  1. Antonio says:


    I am trying to get GTK+ on my windows machine (win 7 64bit) and I am following your instructions on the post https://blogs.gnome.org/nacho/2014/08/01/how-to-build-your-gtk-application-on-windows/

    I just want to know if this is still valid.
    The step “Install the toolchain, in my case I installed the x86_64 but you can install i686 or both. To do so: pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain”
    Shows me a few options.

    I would really like to know if there are simple ways of getting GTK+ to work on windows. I just want to build a small application just to see if this is the right tool for the small project I have in mind.


  2. Valerio says:

    Seems impossible to register a username with my email, so sorry for direct noise.

    Following your instructions 0f article “How to build your GTK+ application on Windows”, I got the following error:

    configure.ac:40: installing ‘./missing’
    gedit/Makefile.am:265: error: HAVE_INTROSPECTION does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL
    Makefile.am:97: ‘gedit/Makefile.am’ included from here
    Makefile.am: installing ‘./depcomp’
    autoreconf: automake failed with exit status: 1
    ==> ERRORE: Si ▒ verificato un errore in prepare().
    L’operazione sta per essere interrotta…

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