PowerPC Meet Conary!

Well, I have made progress towards my goal of porting Specifix Linux to PPC. I now have Ubuntu installed on my ibook with Conary installed and working.

Yes, on my iBook. For anyone that has been reading this blog, I know I had explained that I was going to do this on the Dual G4 I bought off eBay. Plans changed, Laurie now has lots of free time on her hands and will be using the G4 alot. It is the only desktop class box we have, and she will be doing lots of graphics work which is much easy with a real monitor and mouse. On that note, if anyone is looking for someone to do work with their digital photos, let me know. She does great work!

Now onto my Linux/Conary install. This was not that simple, first Ubuntu doesn’t have all the development tools installed by default which in general is a good thing (imho). So, I had to install the necessary tools which took a little time. I also had to install Python2.4, and elfutils. Elfutils is a problem on Debian based systems due to some sort of licensing issue which I do not understand. So, I had to install elfutils from source, and of course it didn’t build well. So, I eventually extracted the source tarball from the SRPM for Fedora PPC, thanks Fedora! That built just fine.

After all that, I now have a working Conary. I have cooked up several troves… and it feels good!

Now it is time to bootstrap… more to come soon.

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