It’s been a while since I have blogged about the GNOME Developer Kit. It has still been building daily, so plenty of updates. I have added some additional packages by request, hopefully they will help make it into an even more useful tool.
- Anjuta
- Meld
- MonoDevelop
- valgrind
- translate-toolkit
- poedit
I have also modified the build system to use the svn revision for package version. I am now able to do a comparison of the latest revision in svn and the latest package version, and only rebuild the package if it has a new revision. Another beneft this gives us is an easy way to see what svn revision of a package you are running. Here is an example:
conary q glib glib=r6302-1-1
More great news, Joshua Hesketh has started documenting some ways to use the devel kit for development. More coming soon… stay tuned!