Entries from September 2006 ↓
September 28th, 2006 — General
The (A for Australian) ABC‘s current affairs show, “The 7:30 Report”, interviewed his mathjesty a couple of days ago, and
the video is now online (yay Auntie), as well as the transcript.
Yours truly makes a cameo at around the 4:15 mark, exposing our dark and violent past. Hi, mum! I’m on the telly. Do I really sound like that? Strewth!

Linux munchkins that want [1] to pull down the 18MB .wmv should do something like this:
mimms "mms://media3.abc.net.au/winlibrary/730report/200609/20060927-730-tao_16_9_bband.wmv"
[1] Why would they want to do that? I dunno. But then again, I don’t know the 12 year old nameless fangirl gushing over “meeting the smartest guy, practically, in the world… wow!”
P.S. I love Nautilus’ cute thumbnail, complete with sprocket holes. Yeah, every decent OS does it, but it’s still pretty sweet.

September 26th, 2006 — General
Half a year ago, before its first stable release, the Deskbar shed its icon du jour, a shiny, blue arrow pointing into a bar thingamajig. Oddly enough, it appears to have re-surfaced as a proposal (in the blog post’s comments) for a new ‘save’ icon, given that the, uh, iconic floppy disk doesn’t reflect real life these days.

Gee that Onion Guy gets around.
September 19th, 2006 — General
Not content with ‘just’ a Fields Medal, it looks like my bro has just picked up a MacArthur Foundation Genius Grant. I’ve said it before, and I will say it again: nice one, brother!

Even more spectacular was that he made the front spot of the (online) Sydney Morning Herald on a day when the most popular story was about the perils of modern day medical procedures. It’s a poignant window into the Australian psyche…

September 18th, 2006 — General
It’s been a quite a few months where nothing happened with superswitcher (or actually anything at all from me on the OSS front), but my eleventy-half loyal users will be happy to know that it now has a subversion repository and issue/bug tracker, thanks to code.google.com. Already, a bug (Doesn’t work when Num-Lock is on) has been filed and the one-liner fix has been committed.
Ah baby steps, back on the path to world domination. Now to contemplate my massive deskbar to-do (or at least, to-look-at) backlog…
September 12th, 2006 — General
Dusting off my archives of the last millenium, I came across the records of my old comrade and El-Presidente-in-Exile, “Big Sexy” Ryan M (not to be confused with “Sexual Life” Catherine M). This is his story.