Dark GNOME (definitive)



It’s Clearlooks based and I’m using Tango icon theme.

Feel free to mail me (subject: “DARK GNOME”). I’ll send you the theme file (tar.gz) and the user-stylesheet.css (to make browsing easier).



Also, if you´re using Ubuntu, change the notification theme to GNOME default:

~$ gconftool -s --type=string /apps/notification-daemon/theme standard

or just change the key value using gconf-editor.

That’s all!

Dear GNOMErs:

Can I have a “http://www.gnome.org/~brunobol” space to keep some files?

Back to GNOME Foot.

Dear Ubuntu developers,

Please!!! Give us back the GNOME foot into the GNOME default icon theme. I’m not asking you to change the Human theme, just to keep the GNOME theme with the foot! Please! 🙂

Vincent, Wouter, Jakub: About Dark Themes, I made my choice:

  • Darklooks((gnome-themes-extras)) (I changed the blue color of the selected items for #99B0C6);
  • Tango icon theme (great contrast);
  • That wallpaper.

Dear Lazyweb,

Is there a way to not change things in browser (Epiphany) when using dark themes? UPDATE: I want to keep anything as using a light theme.

Upcoming elections

In times of Board elections, it’s a common task of Membership Committee (I’m part of the team now!!) elaborate some questions for the candidates. November 18th (announce of the candidates) is the date which the Committee will post the questions on Planet GNOME and gnomedesktop.org.*

I hope the debate will be very interesting this year, with some controversial topics.

Thanks Baris Cicek and Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay for being very receptive!

* why I can’t write posts with links on this blog using Drivel?