Starting today Infinity Radio goes 24/7. This is a new experiment from us to make available the best of Independant Indian Music round the clock. As of now we have a couple of shows looping but dont ever doubt the fact that we will add more shows everyday and increase the stack size to good numbers
The whole of Infinity Music team would love to hear what you guys think of all this, after all this is an effort to make Independant Indian Music reach the zenith it deserves, so tune in and please let us know what you think. We are looking for opinions, suggestions, critcisms, feature requests and so, yes we wont mind a bit of praise either :-).
Tara was being very generous when she talked about Infinity, thanks a lot for the support, really appreciate it.
If you have anything immediate to say then Mail us, we would love to hear from you. Also spread the word around and help us in putting Indian Independant Music in a pedestal it deserves.
So, in a nutshell, tune in, listen to some wonderful music, have fun and let us know what you think of it. Hope to hear from you guys soon
Do whats fun