First week at the new gig…

Well, I have completed my first week in the new job and so far so good 🙂 It is pretty different environment from what I have worked in the past, but I have enjoyed it so far.

My first project was to get a Blade Center up and running as a Linux Cluster. I love this hardware, it is so great. I had these things at Lilly too, and have always enjoyed working with them. So, the cluster is up and humming away, now I need to work with some folks to get apps running on it.

I have also spent all of my time out of the office packing… I HATE packing. We are moving on December 1st to a slightly bigger house around the corner. It is a nice house and will be much more functional for us. Looking forward to getting the move behind us, but not the moving part 🙂

Also getting ready to head to Memphis for turkey day, should be a nice vacation. I just hope Ashlyn behaves for at least most of the trip. I am downloading as many videos I can from our MythTV box to our laptop right now. Need to entertain her 🙂 I am sure we will be sick of The Wiggles by this time next week 🙂

Well, I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!

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