Cool to see GNOME 2.14 about dialog 😀
GNOME 2.14 stuff showing up
So Foresight has been tracking each new tarball released and now some of those are "2.14.x". Pretty exciting, so we are just 3 days away from GNOME 2.14 release day. Foresight will of course have a release the same day, with GNOME 2.14. So expect Foresight 0.9.4 that day.
Of course thanks to conary, it is very easy to keep up with GNOME development. Keep an eye out for the release announcement… it is good stuff. One thing I have to mention, the current GNOME 2.13.x unstable stuff is very fast. There has been huge performance enhancements since GNOME 2.12.
LAMP on VMware Technology Network
I am happy to see a link to download a VMware Player image of the LAMP project I created on rBuilder Online. Check it out at VMTN. It is nice to see it in lights 🙂
Foresight 0.9.4.pre2 isos, qemu and vmplayer images
Released new isos today, not much changed. A couple bug fixes, plus we now only ship gstreamer-0.8. Include 0.10 was just too problematic for now. Also including madwifi and ndiswrapper kernel modules again. This makes it much easier for folks to get online.
Also I am very excited to announce the availability of qemu and VMWare Player images. Thanks to rBuilder, we can now produce virtual machine images. Very cool!
Foresight Desktop Linux 0.9.4.pre1 released
I am please to announce another release of Foresight Desktop Linux. I am also quite proud to say we have reached conary 1.0, which is included! Great work by the Conary team, and many thanks!
Virtually everything is updated, too much to list. We are now derived from rPath Linux 1.0 (Yes another 1.0, thanks Distro dudes!). The label for that is, so that is the stable branch we derive from. I think that will give us a good, solid base and make things more sane to maintain.
A major update is GNOME. We are now sporting the new, shiney, everyone must have GNOME 2.13.91. This is the current development branch of GNOME, but quite stable.
Some highlights:
Conary 1.0.2
GNOME 2.13.91
NetworkManager 0.5.1
gnome-power-manager 2.13.91
GNOME Screensaver 2.13.91 (replacing xscreensaver)
Latest Banshee, Beagle and F-Spot
Get it here! Go ahead, don’t be shy.
Soon (when I get time to test them), there will be qemu and VMWare Player images available… go ahead, drool. I will be sure to post links.
New house
Well, yesterday was Friday the 13th and we closed on our new house. Very excited!
Now begins the hell that is known as moving. Today I did some cabling. The house is 8 years old and didn’t have a structured wiring box. So, I picked one up at Home Depot and pulled in all the cat-5 and coax. Got the existing phone wiring converted to data and it all works! Wired it up all pretty in the box, installed a patch panel and a switch. Even tied all the wires up nicely… I am pleased!
Tomorrow I need to pull a couple more coax cables, it appears the house has never been serviced by cable. The previous owner had DirectTV, so the cable just goes up to the roof, I need to re-route and call TWC.
Once I complete that tomorrow, I will be buying a compressor and paint sprayer. I am eye balling one of the HVLP (High Volume, Low Pressure) ones. It should make the job go fast and create a very nice finish. I am sure we will do plenty of painting over the years, so it is a good investment.
We will most likely try to get most of the big stuff moved next weekend… So anyone in the Triangle area that wants to help move some of my crap, let me know (I could really use the help)… I will provide pizza, soda, and *some* beer. Don’t want someone that has had one to many carrying my TV.
LAMP updated
I finally got around to updating LAMP. It is nice and fresh now with all the latest versions available in the repository. I bumped the release version up to 0.99.3 to match rPath Linux, since LAMP uses nearly all rPL packages. This way we hit 1.0 with rPL 😉
New versions to note, mysql is up from 4.x to 5.0.18 and postgresql is up from 8.0.x to 8.1.2.
Also, there have been a couple nice things added to the repository that aren’t shipped on the ISO, gallery2 and serendipity . I was quite pleased how well they were packaged, you literaly just install with conary, run a little mysqladmin create command to create the DB and configure with the web interface.
Foresight Desktop Linux 0.9.3 released
The other night I published isos for 0.9.3, it is a minor update from 0.9.2. There was a nasty bug in anaconda that caused grub install problems for some users, that is fixed now. Also, system-config-display was broken, also fixed in this release. Not completely however, It fails during the firstboot process. This means you will get a default resolution of 800×600, to fix:
Configure your display and logout/login.
There are also a few updated packages, the only one to note is an update tango icon set… I LOVE THEM!
Foresight Desktop Linux 0.9.2 released
It has been a long hard road, but 0.9.2 ISOs are now posted. I will say they aren’t perfect, but a huge jump from the previous ISOs released. The most noticable bug is the lack of the bootsplash. It seems broken. I haven’t even looked at it at all yet… Just glad things work.
What has changed? It would be easier to ask what hasn’t changed?
From the surface, there doesn’t appear to be a significant change.
- The gtk theme has been hacked to use colors that match our look better.
- Default icon set is tango.
- Stripped out stuff that folks won’t even miss, which shaved 120MB off the 2nd CD
- Added laptop-tools, which includes some nice wireless drivers, NetworkManager, GNOME Power, and ndisgtk (GUI for configuring windows wireless drivers)
- Convert back to using GNOME Systems Tools
- Package selection in the installer
Now the less obvious stuff, which is a much bigger change. We completely reorganized our group structure which is more like rPath Linux. Back when we created our groups, rPath hadn’t really decided yet, so we took a stab at it. Well, anaconda didn’t like it (and really hates me). It really seems to be related to the new package selection, which is oh so sweet. And instead of begging poor Matt to hack anaconda to support our groups… I decided to start over 🙂 I am rather happy we did. Now it is easier for us to follow some things in rPath Linux, like the compat32 stuff needed for an x86_64 port.
Speaking of ports, there have been some cross compiling features added to conary (not released yet) which will make it easier for us to build for x86_64 and PPC. I am quite excited about that! Time to get off my lazy butt and buy a fast build box for Foresight, set the target to ppc, and start cooking!
rPath LUG Tour
I have begun organizing a LUG talk schedule, getting the word out about Conary and rBuilder Online. You can find the schedule here. If you are interested in having a Conary hacker visit your LUG, please let me know.