Friday marked the first day of GUADEC and me and Carlos had our talk named “Newcomer Genesis Evolution”. In case you missed, I’ll provide the slides for you here. A video is also coming up later.
Volunteering at the merchandise table went well and by the end of the day we were all out of GNOME socks. I didn’t work on t-shirts this year but they look nice!
GUADEC 2017 Registration Desk (CC-BY-SA 4.0)
GNOME Socks! (CC-BY-SA 4.0)
I attended the newcomer lunch and got to meet some cool people who were attending GUADEC for the very first time. Later in the afternoon Julita had a talk showing all the events she has been holding to engage newcomers which was great to see.
Julita giving her talk “Different ways of outreaching newcomers” (CC-BY-SA 4.0)
The day ended with a rainy trip to The Wharf with dinner and chat. Onto day 2!