Earlier this month, the annual FOSDEM conference happened again at ULB, Bruxelles, Belgium. I had the opportunity to go there, man the GNOME booth, sell socks, and catch up with other GNOME contributors.

Prior to the conference I had booked La Chambre Haute, which is a great little rooftop apartment located in Etterbeek, around 1.7km from the FOSDEM venue. I arranged the apartment for sharing through the GNOME wiki and shared the apartment with fellow GNOMEies Florian, Tobias, Julian and Niclas. We had a really pleasant time there, including oriental cooking and hacking! I can recommend joining for FOSDEM 2020. ;-)

Me at GNOME's FOSDEM booth
Me at GNOME’s FOSDEM booth

At the FOSDEM booth we sold hoodies, t-shirts and lotsa socks. By Sunday we were almost out of stock for the socks, most socks remaining now being knee socks. At the booth I also got to see the Purism Librem 5 Dev kit running GNOME software – I’m excited to see how it’s coming along!

Thanks to GNOME Foundation for sponsoring the trip. See you next next year!

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