Category Archives: General
GNOME 2.14 stuff showing up
So Foresight has been tracking each new tarball released and now some of those are "2.14.x". Pretty exciting, so we are just 3 days away from GNOME 2.14 release day. Foresight will of course have a release the same day, … Continue reading
LAMP on VMware Technology Network
I am happy to see a link to download a VMware Player image of the LAMP project I created on rBuilder Online. Check it out at VMTN. It is nice to see it in lights 🙂
Foresight 0.9.4.pre2 isos, qemu and vmplayer images
Released new isos today, not much changed. A couple bug fixes, plus we now only ship gstreamer-0.8. Include 0.10 was just too problematic for now. Also including madwifi and ndiswrapper kernel modules again. This makes it much easier for folks … Continue reading
Foresight Desktop Linux 0.9.4.pre1 released
I am please to announce another release of Foresight Desktop Linux. I am also quite proud to say we have reached conary 1.0, which is included! Great work by the Conary team, and many thanks! Virtually everything is updated, too … Continue reading
New house
Well, yesterday was Friday the 13th and we closed on our new house. Very excited! Now begins the hell that is known as moving. Today I did some cabling. The house is 8 years old and didn’t have a structured … Continue reading
Foresight Desktop Linux 0.9.3 released
The other night I published isos for 0.9.3, it is a minor update from 0.9.2. There was a nasty bug in anaconda that caused grub install problems for some users, that is fixed now. Also, system-config-display was broken, also fixed … Continue reading
Foresight Desktop Linux 0.9.2 released
It has been a long hard road, but 0.9.2 ISOs are now posted. I will say they aren’t perfect, but a huge jump from the previous ISOs released. The most noticable bug is the lack of the bootsplash. It seems … Continue reading
I finally got around to hooking up my Atari 2600 2.0 that I got back in September. It is pretty cool… The games are even simpler than I remembered them. Even pong… which I played for like an hour last … Continue reading
New gig!
I am excited to say I started a new gig today… and I am still very much getting my feet wet. Anyone have a guess where??? rPath! I don’t suspect anyone is surprised to hear I believe in what rPath … Continue reading
Happy Birthday Google! And me :-)
Didn’t realize it, but Google and I share a birthday… I knew I loved Google for a reason. Here’s to many more great years!