Another busy week for me. Here it is what I have been doing:
- I have invested quite some time on studying the GtkText* internals.
- Moved the sealed attributes of GtkTextView and GtkTextBuffer to a private struct. This is already in gtk+ master.
- Added annotation for GtkAccelMap needed for a gedit plugin. Already in gtk+ master too.
- Updated gedit to use the new GtkNotebook api. This means depending on gtk+ from git.
- Managed to build the webkit-gtk monster. Finally I had to download the svn version, as always one version is released the next day doesn’t work due to an update in gtk+ or glib. I’ll use webkit to make a test case for the view abstraction.
- I had to make the midterm evaluation.
- I worked a bit in the view abstraction, I’m getting close to get something working.
- After this I have been stuck due to a bug in Gtk+ that produces an infinite loop and I couldn’t continue working on the view abstraction. If you have this problem now there is a patch in bugzilla that fixes the problem.
- Due to the gtk+ bug, I decided to have a look at the MonoDevelop code to see how they make the cool animations and after breaking my head, I managed to port part of the animation framework. What does this mean for gedit?
- Being able to have some effects when searching.
- Animated panels.
- A search dialog like the one in chrome.
- Probably other cool things.
Here it comes the mandatory screencast: Search animation
In relation to what I had to achieve this week:
- Continue with the abstraction of the view. Partially done, as said due to the gtk+ bug.
- Continue fixing problems in gedit. Done.
- Port more python plugins. I made some fixes in gedit-plugins.
What am I going to do next week?
- Try to get an html viewer and finally post some screenshots.
- Continue fixing problems in gedit.
- Continue with the animation framework and make more awesome.
- Fix things here and there.
About the schedule, I think I’m ok with it, though, I may be a bit delayed. Hopefully next week I’ll have the view abstraction mostly ready.