January 23rd, 2006 — General
Infinity radio would resume today after a small hiatus. Please do tune in and cheer Kaustubh on from 9PM – 11PM (IST). Some good music, a new beginning and a fresh outlook on offer.
In words of Def Leppard
Do you wanna get rocked?
Let’s get, let’s get, let’s get, let’s get rocked
January 20th, 2006 — General
Whats cool and new in evolution you ask eh ?
- Network Manager Support for evolution: Evolution now detects the network state. So stop worrying about those unenncesary error boxes about connections dying suddenly, evolution now goes online/ offline automagically depending on network state.
- Swig Bindings for eds. There are initial ruby bindings for ecal api’s which can lead to very interesting stuff like Jabber calendar share.
- Hula connector ( Groupdav )
- Brand new evolution brainread ( work in progress )
Thats the foo for now, more foo for thought later
December 22nd, 2005 — General
Your results:
You are Superman
| 95% |
| 95% |
Green Lantern
| 90% |
| 80% |
The Flash
| 80% |
| 65% |
Iron Man
| 65% |
| 55% |
| 55% |
Wonder Woman
| 45% |
| 40% |
| You are mild-mannered, good, strong and you love to help others.
Click here to take the “Which Superhero are you?” quiz…
Please note, i am as much spider man as super man and also i am 65% super girl, this meme needs some gender recognition questions. I thought “do you wear a thong?” was one but apparently its not :-O !!
November 29th, 2005 — General
I woke up at 7 and that meant i had got a full 2:30 mins of sleep. It was the highest among all the guys there i think, we had been up through most of the night setting up stuff and moving boxes.
The morning was chaotic as usual lots of running around and calling electrician, the mason, the barber and who not ! Ok i lied about the barber, real hackers are bearded anyway 😀
We were off the schedule which pissed me off a bit since i made up most of the schedule with Atul but i guess as Mr.Chitnis pointed out we are not perfect, oh boy we are a long way off.
I sat till the start of Alan’s talk and then had to run off to fix up the recording stuff in the halls. The recording today was a grand goof-up people kept switching off machines in the hall irrespective of them being marked “Toxic: Will corrupt your children”.
Most of the day i was running around inspecting halls, as a result of that i did not attend any of the talks, I really wanted to attend Danese’s talk and Zaheda Bhorat’s talk but couldn’t as i had to run around constantly.
I have come to know quite a few people over the last couple of days and i have developed an immense respect for all of them. Kausthub, Shyam, Devdas, Vasundhar, Vinayak, Arun Raghavan, Seemant, Partha and a few others i cant remember due to acute shortage of sleep are the stars of this event, you guys made foss.in happen, Great work. Keep it up for the next three days.
Ok, i am off to some well deserved sleep. Its a relief that everything worked out ok. Goodnight, hoping tomm brings more hackdom.
p.s: All of you repeat after me “I will schedule more bofs tomm!”
November 27th, 2005 — General
If only i could work everything/ everyone out like code, knowing that i will eventually figure out whats wrong and fix it.
Other than the such moments of voltaire’ness. There are two interesting builds happening right this moment.
1) Gtk-osx: Gtk running natively on mac. Woo hoo
2) OpenOffice: Fixing Andrew’s crasher. Dude dont forget the scotch 😉
November 18th, 2005 — General
I have had a pretty beaten down week. Been feeling listless for a long time now, so i had almost come to the end of what was an other inconsequential day when Martin Kretzschmar pointed me to this article Ubuntu Desktop Review which got SlashDotted. In the article there is one small line which caught my attention, it read
“I am so glad the UI team came to their senses and replaced the zoom ‘button’ with the zoom drop down box.? It’s a good idea. It’s there in Writer at least.”
Now what the writer did not realise is that it was not the UI team which wrote that patch but me and Martin, infact that patch is not even there in the upstream build but most of the linux distro’s ship it. Just those couple of lines made my day. I wrote that feature about a year ago, its about 600 lines of code and just to see somebody liked it makes me get up early and write more code.
November 13th, 2005 — General
Registrations Open. Go for it, it will be fun i promise 😀
October 20th, 2005 — General
I got this mail today
Dear Srinivasan Shreyas,
We are pleased to inform you that you are now part of the GNOME
Foundation Membership. You are now eligible to become a candidate
for election and to vote in the annual Board of Directors elections
held each November.
The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee
October 18th, 2005 — General
Its a nice comfortable evening and i was just chilling when a mail triggered me off. I am member of this yahoo group called
Films for Freedom and it so happened a couple of days back some girl accidently sent a join join Hi 5 invite to the group. This is because hi5 do the cunning thing
of asking for your mail account password while creating an account and
then use that to extract your contacts and then mail all of them. I mean
that sucks by itself and is a gross intrusion of privacy considering
they can do other stuff with my password, but wait the story does not end yet..
So the girl lets call her “some-blah” sends a mail which reads
Mail 1:
Had posted a mail to this group from another website by mistake.
Due apologies.
This is ok just a small mistake, so didnt worry me much, then something that irritates the hell out of me happened. Some random guy lets call
him “lone-idiot” mails the group which reads…
Mail 2:
hey some-blah,
repeat this mistakes ten times,
b’cos each time u do it, new ones like me get it.
keep smiling & keep mailing,
Now this ticked me off, i have absoluetely no problems in that dude
hitting on her, infact i find it normal. What i cant digest is the fact that he mailed the whole list with it. Also documentaries are my
holy ground and if anyone messes with the spirit of the place i get really nasty..
So i did a “REPLY ALL”
Mail 3:
Hey lone-idiot,
Sorry, but you sound like a greeting card! are you ?
Mail the list with relevant mails. A mistake i can understand
but mailing the
list with such replies is just spam. And yes i am mailing the list
because i think it conveys
my point across better.
p.s: Read the description for the group.
*phew, i hope he does not reply because i am in mood to rip the guy apart.
October 8th, 2005 — General
So, I have always been a bit sceptical of gdb. It consistently screws up traces when there are a number of threads. Worse in case of deadlocks ( mutex, semaphore etc), its even more useless.
I have been looking at this bug on and off for 30 mins now and i convinced gdb is lying. There is a lock up somwhere and when i break gdb says it breaks at fsync (bleh), but of course when i try to break on the function which actually uses fsync then gdb doesn’t break at that function at all. I want to dive into fixing this but i dont want to break the vow that “i wont touch/ fix/ read evolution code this week”. So for now it will have to be..