August 30th, 2005 — General
So, yesterday i accidentally stepped over the ear phones of my I Pod and as result they broke. *grief Anyway today i went to the apple store and asked how much a spare would cost and imagine my shock when he said Rs 2.5K. For cryin out load thats way too expensive….
And from that is deduced my new slogan
An Apple a day and bankruptcy is on its way.
Maybe i should just buy a Altec Lansing, atleast then i will get my moneys worth.
Spent most of the day rebuilding most of the stuff for the mac package i am supposed to release soon.
August 28th, 2005 — General
Hmmm.. The song Rain drops are falling on my head song by Bj Thomas is stuck in my head for a last couple of days. Rather reflective of my mood i presume.
Nice weekend so far, just been reading up a few RFC’s and so no major hacking activity. On friday i went to hear Phenom play at Legends of rock. Nice performance, the band is basically made up of my budies so i got the cover charge waived 🙂 ( posse? ). Good fun all in all, got a bit drunk and a slightly twitchy ride back home.
Cricket practise on saturday, went rather well. I bowled really quick at times, wish there was a speedgun somewhere which could measure how fast i was bowling. Lazed around for rest of the day reading Robert Jordan Crossroads of twilight. Thats the last one in a 10 book series, really really dragging. Argh when will we ever get to tarmon gaidan.
Built and played around with e-17. Rather cool. Also tried to read up more camel code to comprehend more of the mailer. Still lots to be done before i get comfortable with the code. Hopefully shouldnt take too long. Back to work tommorow, interesting times awaiting.
August 24th, 2005 — General
More bugzilla traversing. Partha pointed me to a few bugs in which i did some ghastly irresponsible *duplicate marking. *sigh need to pay more attention while triaging.
Committed the imap fix i wrote up yesterday, Goody. Contemplated more on how to fix the problem of plugins trying to linked to Dynamically loadable modules. On a linux system Dynamically loadable modules and shared libraries are just about the same so it makes no difference but when these are to be ported, argh thats when you hit barrier. On mac for instance Shared libraries cannot link to dynamically loadable modules so half the plugins wont even compile as most of them link to the calender component or the mail componet which are both dynamically loadable modules.
The only way around this is to tear out the current components into two parts 1) A Dynamically loadable module 2) A shared library. Also link the dynamically loadable module against the shared library (the converse of the original case). Thus all the plugins link to the shared library and hence just work.
But ofcourse what should to the Dynamically loadable module and what should go to the shared library is still to be comprehended.
Evening was more fun especially when Harish, Partha and Srini all crowded into one cubicle as the signal there was the best. Heh, somebody totally misunderstood the meaning of a closely knit team in our case it seems literally true. Three grown up men in one small cubicle trying to make as much space for themselves.. heh its a dog eat dog world.
Reached home rather late. Mom sounded extremely bouyant mood, soon discovered that was because dad gave mom new ring with 25 diamonds :-O to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. Thats so adorable, they are clearly made for each other .
August 21st, 2005 — General
Was just fixing up a couple of Groupwise issues when randomly Libtool borked. It started looking for some library in an old path. Argh *Wrote a mail to the libtool list only to get a “Oh its supposed to work that way, we understand its disadvantages and its been discussed here”, Blah.. Had to make distclean and rebuild all the dependent libraries.
And after my laptop went around for 4 hours re-compiling half of gnome, I finally got something working. Although probably its just me pissed off right now but my emotions for libtool range from “I hate it” to “Piece of crap”.
So if you ever get erros like
grep: /opt/gnome/lib/ No such file or directory
sed: /opt/gnome/lib/ No such file or directory
libtool: link: `/opt/gnome/lib/’ is not a valid libtool archive
Ofcourse if its just libsoup borking then just rebuilding a few libraries would do but if u just rebuilt gcc and installed in a new path and libtool still has the old path. Then get ready for some serious re-compliation.
Constantly reminded of voltaire’s qoute “If you dont find something pleasent, you will atleast find something new” while fixing these libtool issues. Dear libtool, do you see what you did to me !
July 19th, 2005 — General

Got the latest evolution CVS working nicely on MAC. Faced a few issues which seemed to be threatening initially but turned out to be simple trivial issues.
The worst of them all was the non returning of g_module_open on any of Evolution Libraries. Even a simple program which did a g_module_open was not returning :-O. Poked evolution libraries thinking it would be a circular dependency problem but turned out to be a bug in Apple’s dylsum. *phew thank god i bumped into somebody on #fink who enligtened me, otherwise i would have been buried a couple of days reading Makefiles. So i updated to 10.4.2 from 10.4.1 and auto-magically everything worked, wasted a good 6-7 hours trying to fix innocent evolution code.
Other than that there were a few issues
1) Libbonobo-2.8 : Had a usual problem of _NSGetEnviron not being used instead of the environ. Patched that up and upstreamed it.
2) A rather nasty problem of mail/Evolution-mail.idl regenerating symbols of its included shell/Evolution-Component.idl. Much thanks to Tor and Michael Meeks for fixing it, reduced my job to applying a patch.
3) Usual overlinkage problems with the plugins.
Need to purge all this into cvs.
Now i am pondering over how to distribute it. What would you guys like as a distribution channel?
Fink looks a desirable solution for minor releases. Maybe i could update the fink packages. The fink gnome tree does not look in such a bad shape as i might have feared. So maybe thats a good slution
Building a .app package has wider reach especially since its easier to get/ install. Ofcourse building a package for minor releases is rather lame and a pita.
So leave a comment if you guys have any specific choice or advice. I will try to do something about them.