Ubuntu 9.10 the Karmic Koala has just landed! and Yes it’s full of awesome! Get it! while it’s still hot!

Photo by glintle
Ubuntu 9.10 the Karmic Koala has just landed! and Yes it’s full of awesome! Get it! while it’s still hot!
That’s right folks, just like last year, the biggest GNOME event of the pacific coast is here again, the GNOME Day! this year is going to be held the Saturday 24th of October at the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa Maria in Valparaíso, Chile:
The event is going to have a lot of interesting talks like How to create GDM Artwork by the awesome Daniel Galleguillos and a couple of Tracker talks by the amazing Ivan Frade.
I’m sure you don’t want to miss it, it’s a free event , you only need to register yourself here, what are you waiting for? Join us!. See you in Valparaíso!
As Jorge just announced the time for another rocking Ubuntu OpenWeek has come, an amazing schedule of talks has been set up. Wanna learn more about Ubuntu? join the Ubuntu Open Week!.
Spanish Speaker?
Ubuntu OpenWeek tambien estara disponible en tu idioma preferido, si!, en Español!, visita la pagina de Ubuntu Open Week Español para enterarte de que va a suceder, como y el cuando!.
I’ve arrived yesterday to Gran Canaria for the Desktop Summit, awesome weather, specially for someone like me who is coming from a pretty cold winter at Santiago de Chile. I’m pretty happy to see a few of my good Gnome friends here and I’m really looking forward for the conference to start.
Also remember to put your info at http://live.gnome.org/GUADEC/2009/Rooms
This Saturday (Nov 29) will be celebrating the next Ubuntu Chilean Bug Jam, this is a monthly activity we have been doing since ~5 months, *everybody* is welcome to join, we’ll meet in the LoCo IRC channel (#ubuntu-cl) and if you’re going to be around Santiago you might want to join us at Cristian’s place(he sent out information about the event to the mailing list). Come on guys let’s keep rocking!
Last Saturday we had the first stop of the GNOME LA Tour, we celebrated the GNOME Day in Concepción, Chile, what can i say, the event was incredible, lot of people, great talks, good conversations and idea sharing, next stop Foz de Iguacu in Brazil, see you there next weekend!.
Also checkout the GNOME Day flickr group for more pictures of the event and if you have some please send them there.
Around this time of the year the Sofware Freedom Day is celebrated this year the Saturday 20 of September and well that’s a pretty bad date for us in Chile since we celebrate our Fiestas Patrias (aka 18) so this year in Chile at least the Sofware Freedom day is going to be hold the Saturday 27 of September, I was invited to the lovely city of Curicó i have a bunch of friends in that city and i was there last year also for the same event, Curicó isn’t too far away from Santiago just an hour and a half in train so my friend if you’re planning to go from Santiago to there, drop me an email so we can travel together 🙂
That’s right! the Ubuntu Global Bug Jam is just around the corner and the Chilean Team is going to participate on it too and if you want to join us please fill your name on the list of the event page, we’ll be posting more information about it at the same page, so you already know it the bug hunting season is open… be ready to squash them now!
Yes, I’m going to GUADEC this year, I’m very happy about it and I hope to see a lot of friends there, ok I’ve seen a couple of them during the last Ubuntu Developer Summit at Prague but it’s always great to get together more often to talk, discuss and have a lot of fun, see you guys there!.
Our first meeting is scheduled for 29 May 0000 UTC at #ubuntu-meeting on irc.freenode.net, there’s more information about it on the Fridge and of course on our wiki page. if you haven’t applied for a membership this is probably the right time for do it.