GNOME 3.14 – The movie

Video time!

3.14 is out and holy gnome it is awesome. Even though I came under a bit of a time pressure in the end, it has been such a pleasure to create a video surrounding this release. I’d like to thank GNOME Foundation and Alexander Larsson for providing me the Chromebook pixel, which made room for some awesome animations this cycle. Furthermore, Karen Sandler and her husband Mike has once again created an outstanding voice-over, taking the video to a whole new level. Lastly, the GNOME Design team deserves huge credit for all the assets I use in my videos. Making them myself would take have taken me ages!

Do come with feedback. I’d be particularly interested in your thoughts on the new animation experiments I’m making. Happy release day!

12 thoughts on “GNOME 3.14 – The movie”

  1. Great job on the video, Bastian! :)

    Personally, I find the background music a tiny bit too loud, but others might disagree on that.

  2. This was likely the best video ever published about GNOME. I love the icon-like animations. The timing between animations and voice is perfect. I can’t even imagine how hard that was.

    The only thing I didn’t like? When you show interacting gear wheels, get the physics right. :p

  3. Technically, the video is really good. You really did a good job. However, it’s unfortunate that it’s not only user-centric. If I show this video to friends who usually use Windows or OSX, to hear of Glib, Gtk, Wayland… they will not understand, it’s not going to interest them, and will eventually find Linux complicated.

    1. That’s very understandable. I got a similar comment from another person. I agree, that this release video is probably most suited for those in the linux world already, delivering a visual preview of what’s coming up in GNOME 3.14.

      For people outside that world, I think a video giving an insight in the GNOME platform in general would be much better. A round-trip / tour so to say. I might choose this as my next animation project. :)

  4. Good job! It’s rare to see this quality of motion graphics in free software videos :) It made me enthusiastic again about the Gnome project even thought I’m already a user for ten years or so.
    Also, I was often thinking we missed an After Effects equivalent in the free software world… I never thought Blender could be used for this! Great to know :)
    Just added your blog in my RSS list!

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