more menus

Since last blog post I have been designing and implementing a room menu for Polari.
06-25-15 polari-room-menu-thumb
Screenshot of current implementation of the room menu in Polari.

The goal of this menu is to provide actions for the current room you are viewing. The menu will help solve some problems:

  • Makes it possible to read the room topic in full and change it if you have the permissions to do so.
  • Creates a more obvious way to leave a room which is also touch friendly.

These points have been implemented and are available in the branch wip/bastianilso/room-options. I am still considering what other actions are necessary to have in the room menu. My plan is also to expose whether the room is on a private/public network and relevant channel permissions as well as your own status. For private conversations, the room menu could also be an ideal place to expose extra information about the recipent you are talking to if available.

Feel free to share any other use cases you think is the room menu could cover.

One thought on “more menus”

  1. Looks very nice! How do you plan to show permissions/modes? The usual “-si+p-t” etc. doesn’t look very intuitive. How about showing badges in a horizontal list, with an icon on one side?

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