Category Archives: open source aalborg

FOSDEM 2017 Day 3: Talks & Chats

Silent morning at the booths in building K (CC-BY-SA 3.0).

Today I got early up, going with Andreas to the venue, arriving at 8.30 AM. He was going there to open the Open Source Design room, I was going there to open the GNOME booth. After the shift I then decided to wandered around to collect stickers and speak to various projects at their booths.

Emiliano at the LibreOffice booth (CC-BY-SA 3.0).

LibreOffice‘s booth who had a stand right next to us and I decided to stop by. In LibreOffice they had just released version 5.3, which among other new features include a renewed user interface. LibreOffice is also making progress on integrating with GTK+3, although I unfortunately missed the talk they had about that the day before. In recent years a new flavor of LibreOffice has also arrived, namely LibreOffice online. This project makes it possible to deploy your own collaborative document editing infrastructure.

Team Coala at FOSDEM (CC-BY-SA 3.0).

At the Coala booth, I met Lasse whom I know also via the GNOME community. Coala is a type of meta code analysis software. Currently they are reworking internals, and ultimately aiming at simplifying how to perform the code analysis.

Jobs corner located in Building H. (CC-BY-SA 3.0).

My experience in all three FOSDEM conferences is that they are a good place to network and meet new faces. One thing I dont recall seeing at previous FOSDEMs was job postings. There was a very long wall and table dedicated so that individuals and organizations could advertise jobs, from everything between part-time system administrators and DevOps to full-time software engineers or project managers. Practical!

Stickers! (CC-BY-SA 3.0).

..and that was the end of my sticker collecting journey. Now I’ve got some, ready to be put on the dorm door at home. :-)


The rest of the day went with watching talks. In many places there were very large lines of people trying to get in, inside many of the rooms.

People standing in line to the “Decentralized Internet” room (CC-BY-SA 3.0).

In the end I went to the open source design room, in which i stayed for the rest of the day. This being an open source conference, many of the talks at FOSDEM are focused around software-engineering. The open source design room is the exception. It’s a small room, but there was good space available and I could sit down and do a little work in the meantime.

The Open Source Design room (CC-BY-SA 3.0).

What I really like about this room is that it is arranged by the open source design community. It feels very unified that the room directly represents a community, not just a topic. Open source design have its own repository with assets, their own forum etc and it represents designers who do their work in many different open source projects. Many of the talks were reflecting on the methodology we use to do design in open source. Many of the talks revolved around how we can approach user research to inform ourselves when designing. A speaker named Miroslav Mazel spoke about the challenges in conducting user research using local volunteers. One particular difficulty he explained is on how to keep the interest among the volunteers up for conducting it. Andreas was also there to speak about his experience conducting user interviews to inform his work on GNOME Maps. Including the user in the design process helped to recognize new use cases when designing transit routing in GNOME Maps.

Andreas answering questions during his speech “Interviews as user research” (CC-BY-SA 3.0).

Matthias Clasen and Emel spoke about the design of GNOME Recipes, a new application they are working on for GNOME’s upcoming 20th Anniversary. I think the application looks very promising and am definitely interested in submitting some more recipes!

Emel explaining the design of GNOME Recipes (CC-BY-SA 3.0).

Finally Jan, a designer on NextCloud, spoke about getting more designers involved in open source. IT is afterall not only about software engineering, the technology has to be used by people. So design matters and there are many projects which are in dire need of more designers. The open source room concluded with project pitches. Developers of various open source projects would each have three minutes to advertise their projects and make a call for design participation. I really liked this initiative! It’s hard to get started in many open source projects, especially if your role is not a software engineer. I hope for all the developers who stood up and advertised their project, succeeded in reaching out to interested designers. :-)


Monday, we left Belgium. Although I left with an upset stomach and a cold, all in all I did have a really good time. Maybe we will meet again at Open Source Days 2017, foss-north 2017 or GUADEC 2017?

FOSDEM 2017 Day 2: Showtime

In line at FOSDEM. (CC-BY-SA 3.0)

All of us woke up at around 8, aiming to get to FOSDEM at half past 9. Booths would be set up between 9 and 10 and the first set of talks would start around 10. Since I have stayed at the accommodation before, I had a pretty good feeling for the route to go to FOSDEM, but we barely got out of the door before I realized that I had forgot all the merchandise I had brought with me, though.. :-)

Packing like a salesman.. (CC-BY-SA 3.0)

I had planned to spend most of today helping out in GNOME’s booth. We walked to the venue a little past 9, so I wouldn’t expect that many people to be around the FOSDEM venue yet. But when we arrived at 10, there were a ton of people already. I went straight to building K where the GNOME stand was located. Very crowded morning!

Building K, on the outside and inside. (CC-BY-SA 3.0)

FODSEM is happening at the Université libre de Bruxelles which is a university campus area that consists of several buildings. The GNOME booth is located next to LibreOffice and KDE in building K. I always request two tables but FOSDEM is growing each year with even more booths, so this time we had just a single table. When I came to the booth, Kat, David and others were already there, selling t-shirts. There were some problems doing the grey on grey GNOME shirts that I showed on my blog previously so instead Kat has printed the motive in white on dark grey, blue and orange. With a dozen t-shirts and hoodies the single table was already quite stuffed. It’s fortunate that socks doesn’t take up that much space!

Socks on display at the GNOME booth. They might seem really big at first, but they shrink to half the size after a a wash. (CC-BY-SA 3.0)

The socks turned out to sell well. I had brought 60-70 pairs and by the end of the first day all the socks were sold.
I also brought flyers, and Sebastian Wilmet complimented them with his technical flyers describing the GNOME as a development platform. This was really useful, since the flyers I have are very high level, encouraging contribution to all kinds of teams in GNOME whether engagement, documentation, translation, design etc. Sebastians flyers were aimed more towards the technical software students and developers, which an event like FOSDEM attracts many of.

While standing in booth, there were many people coming by that i had the opportunity to speak with. We had attendants that came by and said thanks for the work and effort and telling their story of ending up using GNOME. I also had positive comments on the release video! I’m really happy that there are people here who watch and look forward to watch these videos. It is a large effort, but it feels all worth it when you are getting positive reactions, in person. In previous years of FOSDEM I also remember we received lot of criticsm at the booth too. With GNOME 3, GNOME completely revamped its desktop and interaction style and this sudden change probably caused a lot of stir. What I’m seeing is probably the result of our desktop interaction style becoming more stable and GNOME’s new vision becoming more clear.

In the cafeteria I met Matthias and Emel who was preparing for a talk in the design room tomorrow about the new app GNOME Recipes. Will definitely attend that! We also discussed how the size of FOSDEM means that it’s hard to find people. Everyone are scattered across attending talks, standing in booths etc. Once I had split up with the rest of Open Source Aalborg, we were all in each our location. Even though this is the third time I am at FOSDEM, I keep getting impressed anew of the amount of traction and amount of people it holds. If you need a break, probably the best choice for taking it is to go outside the university campus.

Geoffrey working on the Android port of VLC. (CC-BY-SA 3.0)

Over at the cafeteria was a bunch of people wearing funny cone hats. Took me some time to realize that, of course, this is the VLC project sitting around at a table, hacking on the video player. I went over to them and spoke with a guy named Geoffrey. Geoffrey is from France and develops the port of VLC for Android. He was working on integrating VLC more with the Android platform. Also VLC 3.0 is coming up soon, which means that developers are currently focusing on bug fixing and landing the last few features before the feature freeze. Some features they have under the works, among others, are support for 360 degree videos and support for playing videos in virtual reality style.

The GNOME Beer event at La Becasse, promoted at FOSDSEM. (CC-BY-SA 3.0)

Saturday ended with GNOME’s annual beer night. This is a good opportunity to meet with fellow members of the GNOME community and GNOME users. I had a great time there! Thanks to the Collabora people for sponsoring some beers for everyone.

Beers, at GNOME beer night. (CC-BY-SA 3.0)

FOSDEM 2017 Day 1: Arrival

Dear diary. (CC-BY-SA 3.0)

Extra t-shirt, check! Toothbrush, check! 60 pairs of socks, check! Friday the 3rd february was day 1 of my trip to FOSDEM with Open Source Aalborg. We’ve booked flight tickets so we can go early in the morning just to make the best out of the 4 days we’ll be staying in Brussels. 10 minutes intensive situps + 10 kilometers bike trip to the airport at 5 AM and you feel like you can do anything afterwards. At the local airport in Aalborg I met Daniel and Niklas. Much of the morning we spent just talking while flights, escalators and trains would take us to our destination. In all three years I have attended FOSDEM, it has had 500-600 events happening over the course of just one weekend. Finding and planning which talks to see and handling conflicting talks is enough of a hassle that it appears there is even an apps for it. I’m not that big of a talk goer though. I’m looking much more forward to helping in the GNOME booth, visiting booths and speaking with people I haven’t had a conversation with face-to-face for many months.

Niklas and Daniel, discussing the FOSDEM companion app (CC-BY-SA 3.0).

A trivial train ride got us from the airport to the accommodation in Etterbeek. It’s the same apartment which I also booked last year for a few of us in GNOME. The place is a very nice roof apartment at decent price and with a sweet host. Metro, Supermarket and FOSDEM venue are at convenient walking distance too. So the afternoon went by with shopping and waiting for the rest of the crew to arrive at the apartment.

Here we are, 5 members of Open Source Aalborg, ready for to go to FOSDEM (CC-BY-SA 3.0).

The day rounded off with buckwheat pancakes and beer. FOSDEM starts tomorrow at 10 and I’ll go there early to help setting up the GNOME booth. Anticipation is high!

Pancakes (CC-BY-SA 3.0)

Preparing for FOSDEM17

The annual FOSDEM is nearing. This year I will be participating for the third time and I’m looking forward to it! It’s a great opportunity to meet GNOME users and mingle with the other free software projects. FOSDEM was the first free software conference I attended back 3 years ago and I still really enjoy it.

Unlike the other times, I’m not going alone this time. Open Source Aalborg is arranging a trip to go together to Bruxelles so I will be going with 6 others. Most participants have never been to FOSDEM before, so I’m sure it’ll be exciting for everybody. We are renting a nice bed and breakfast from a a family down in Bruxelles for this occasion (Actually, we ended up renting two due to high demand!). It’s located in Etterbeek which is just a nice 3km walk away from FOSDEM. There is even a small kitchen so we can make some common dinners together.

claire's apartment (picture by claire and mike)
The rented apartment “La chambre haute” (picture by Claire and Jean-Michel)

Usually I also book a booth for GNOME during FOSDEM. Standing there and talking to users is usually loads of fun. The picture below is from FOSDEM 2014 where I was in the booth for the first time.

In preparation for the FOSDEM booth, I have printed out the GNOME outreach flyers I designed back a few months ago.

50 GNOME flyers printed at the local printshop.

Furthermore, I’ve worked on a new t-shirt design which Ekaterina is printing.

Mockup of FOSDEM design. Copyright belongs to the respective copyright holders.

Those who have been idling in the #engagement channel, may also have seen a picture of some gnome socks. Unfortunately I don’t think they will make it out of print in time for FOSDEM 2017, but you can have a sneak peak anyway.

Sample of the mysterious GNOME socks. Known to keep the feet warm!

GNOME Beer Night at La Becasse
There are lots of extra events happening around FOSDEM. Last year a GNOME developer experience hackfest was arranged prior to the event for example. This year’s there’s the local hackspace Bytenight and GNOME Beers event on Saturday. Arrangements has been made so that La Becasse (in the city center) has been booked. This is a good opportunity to come and have a drink with fellow GNOMEies.

The Lambic Blanc beer at La Becasse in Bruxelles City Center.

If you’re going to FOSDEM too, let me know. You can most definitely find me in the GNOME booth for a chat.

Reflections on Starting a Local FOSS Group

Last Wednesday was no less than the third time the local FOSS group in Aalborg met. Today I’m looking back at how it all started so I thought I would share some thoughts that may help others who would like to spread free and open source software in their local area.

Create the first piece of basic infrastructure

..whether it means collecting e-mail adresses or creating a group on social media. In my case I resorted to creating a public group on Facebook called “Open Source Aalborg”.

Find someone who knows someone

You’ll need some way to get in touch with others who live in your area and is interested in this topic. In my case I happened to get in touch with my local IT union PROSA who helped arranging a free event called “IT X: Open Source” and reaching out to many members locally (in particular students). Note that the extensive use of “Open Source” rather than “Free Software” was simply because the term is less ambiguous and more familiar (ie used more in media) to people.

Reach out to them

IT X was a great springboard to do this. IT X was arranged as a talk show. First talk would explain to the audience what open source was, since the audience might be familiar with the term at different levels or not at all. Secondly we ran talks on how open source is useful. For me that meant giving a talk at IT X where I talked about how and why I spend my free time contributing to GNOME. The audience was primarily students and software developers so I designed my talk to largely concern how open source can benefit your skills and experience with large-scale collaborative software development. At the end of my talked I promoted my local initiative “Open Source Aalborg” and afterwards Hal9K also promoted their local hackerspace which also is located in Aalborg.

Follow up to maintain the interest

The next days after IT X, Open Source Aalborg expanded from 6-7 members to 40 members. I followed up by making the first “Open Source Night” 14 days after the talk show had happened. Looking back I should probably have made the first event even 7 days after. When scheduling I tried making it as convenient for people as possible. We would met on a Wednesday at Hal9k from 5 o clock (after work/university) to whenever people wanted. To make it further convenient for attendees we arranged pizza so attendees wouldn’t need to concern themselves about food either.

Things you can do on the first meetup

At the first meetup we ended up being around 10, mostly students. This is what we ended up doing:

  • Sightseeing in the local hackerspace.
  • Talked about each other’s individual interests and areas of expertises.
  • Discussed various news and upcoming conferences that we knew of.

For the following meetings I usually picked up what was previously discussed or coded on and used it to write a description that teases the possible topics we might discuss at the next meetup. It makes for a nice motivation I think, plus we keep each other up to date on how we are progressing.

Another fun thing we have done is that last meeting I arranged a video conference call with Johan Thelin from FOSS GBG. We talked with Johan about the history behind the Gothenburg FOSS group, how they run their meetups and about their upcoming conference foss-north. The video conference was definitely a success – we even talked about making a video conference meeting between two FOSS groups sometime. What I particularly like about doing this, is that it gives a taste of the impression that this little local group is part of huge worldwide community. This is a feeling which I think can really benefit the motivation among individuals in any local FOSS group out there.

Some other fun ideas for the future

  • Send and receive greetings with other FOSS groups.
  • Have video calls with members of GNOME or someone experienced in open source could be insightful.
  • Arrange a follow-up talk event on open source in the fall where members can do lighting talks on the small projects they have worked on throughout the year.
  • Find local companies or initiatives related to open source and have them come around and present what they are all about.
  • Go on a trip to a FOSS conference together.

Are you in a local FOSS group? Trying to get one started? Let me know! I’d be more than happy to listen to your suggestions too.