I went the Saturday to the first Ubuntu CL LoCo Meeting at the Oratorio Don Bosco School, there were plenty of people and I had the opportunity to met some nice guys and see again to some old friends like Miguel Ruiz, they are working really hard on spreading the Ubuntu love across the whole country and they have a well defined structure of work with a lot of emphasis on marketing and support trough the forums. You guys simply rock!.
One of the coolest things of the day for me was to know what the Oratorio Don Bosco is doing on the technology front, they have a computer lab with laptops for every student on the class and guess what… yes! the laptops are running Ubuntu! and they use them for teach maths, spanish and english, pretty cool heh?. You can see some photos of the lab on the flickr account of Andres Herrera who is the administrator of the lab.
Excelente dia el sabado .. muy productivo … jaojaoj y al cara de contento que sale ese alumno rockea ! xD