some expectations for the future of gnome user feedback.

  1. add a “please write in english.” sentence. perhaps evey seventh or eighth bug report is not in english. i know some languages, but not all of them. please request a string and ui freeze so we get this in for GNOME 2.16.3, otherwise this will drive me (and the users who have to rewrite their entire report in english) nuts.
  2. add a sentence that an account will be created and that the submitted email address will be visible for people that have logged in into our bug tracking system. just for privacy reasons.
  3. the non-trivial one which was already covered by olav’s latest posting: make bug-buddy display feedback received from as the GNOME community and user base grows, we have to handle more and more reports, which either means that the bugsquad needs more volunteer triagers, or that we need more automation. the latter one should be the way to go. now imagine what will be possible by doing this: we can reject duplicates and tell the user about this, we can tell the user that his issue is fixed already and that his distribution provides an update, we can tell the user that he is using an obsolete version and directly reject the bug report. if every gnome bugzilla product has a boolean value providing its maintenance state, we can also tell the user that he/she should not expect fixes, as that product is currently unmaintained.
    we should also take care of i18n here by submitting the user’s LANG setting, so the feedback language can be adjusted.
    is anyone already planning this? bkor, fer? a must-have for 2.20, and a would-be-great for 2.18. thanks.
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