Category Archives: non-technical
2017: Music.
That annual list of awkward incomplete pop music preferences: Stuff I listened to a lot in the last 12 months. Which did not necessarily get released in 2017. But mostly, I think. And/or enjoyable gigs. Noga Erez‘ debut album and … Continue reading
2016: Music.
That annual list of awkward incomplete pop music preferences: Stuff I listened to a lot in the last 12 months (and which did not necessarily get released in 2016). When it comes to concerts: Supersilent left me without words. In … Continue reading
Middle East In late March 2016, I attended some Wikimedia gatherings in the Middle East: The WikiArabia conference in Amman (Jordan), a Technical Meetup in Ramallah (Palestinian territories), and the Wikimedia Hackathon in Jerusalem (Israel). I gave an introduction to … Continue reading
War Porn.
Sometimes, when some individual, group, institution publishes, releases, leaks a cruel video of this planet’s conflicts, media decide not to show it or only show a (edited) screenshot. I usually end up trying to find the uncut video on the … Continue reading
2015: Music.
Publishing my usual list of awkward and never complete pop music preferences of 2015. Grimes’ “Art Angels” is probably my favorite album of 2015. Halsey’s “Badlands” debut and the latest releases by Purity Ring and Chvrches came close. In general … Continue reading
2014 that was.
Music. Before I end up postponing this (like the last three years, cough) I’m publishing my list of awkward pop music preferences which is never complete. Especially because this year I had the “pleasure” to spend way too much time … Continue reading
Tea, Cake, Research and Hardcore.
2014: Plans.
Studying bug management To my disappointment my university seems to have no expertise available to mentor a diploma thesis about best practices and common problems in open source bug management. After ten years of working in this field there are … Continue reading
Ich kann nicht sagen dass ich die Piratenpartei gut fände. Aber ich kann sagen, dass ich sämtliche anderen Optionen noch enttäuschender finde, speziell wenn die Bundeskanzlerin mal geschworen hat Schaden vom Volke abzuwenden, nur um dann keinerlei Meinung zum massenweisen … Continue reading