Continuing with the first day: Shobha Tyagi elaborated on the acceptance problems when moving users from Microsoft Windows to Linux based systems at her university. That talk resulted in interesting follow-up discussions on regional differences.

Shobha’s talk
Later on, lightning talks took place.

Olav banging the lightning talk gong
On the second day, Alexandre Franke explained the GNOME release cycle.
Kukuh Syafaat showed how he uses his guitar, keyboard and computer running Ardour, Guitarix, LMMS and the JACK audio connection kit to make music with GNOME.

Kukuh’s talk
And Yantisa Akhadi presented OpenStreetMap’s impressive improvements in covering Asia, often leaving commercial map services like Bing or Google far behind.

Yantisa’s talk
The second day ended with a thunderstorm. It created a refreshing breeze in the main hall and made the frogs speak up outside the hall.
Again, kudos to the organization team (great work!) and thanks to the sponsors!
This was the fourth GNOME.Asia summit I attended. Compared to GUADEC (the annual European conference), GNOME.Asia seems to have more fluctuation among attendees (as travelling can be more expensive in Asia due to its size and flight costs in comparison to costs of living?). There also seem to be more attendees that show up being curious what that international conference at the university is about, so it feels good to have some “how you can get involved” talks covering coding, documentation, translation, QA / bug triaging, engagement / marketing, …
GNOME.Asia summits also offer more talks with a regional focus. Would have loved to attend the “Open Source Software in the shoes industry” or “My experience as a farmer, trader and principle of village affairs in contributing to BlankOn” talks – unfortunately they were at the same time as my own talk.
Still it was a gift to speak with many community members while walking around, grabbing coffee or food, or just standing outside enjoying the sun.
Terima kasih.
.. and while you in Indonesia, you can easily find Djarum Super :-D :-D
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