Looks like since the release of GNOME 3.34.0 in September 2019 I made exactly 500 commits in GNOME Git. :)

Localized screenshots shipped in GNOME 3.34 versus the same screenshot in 3.36
My main focus was on updating documentation. The user help of cheese, gnome-klotski, gnome-mahjongg, gnome-nibbles, gnome-robots, gnome-terminal, gnome-tetravex, iagno, lightsoff, quadrapassel, rhythmbox, zenity should be up-to-date in 3.36 again.
(If not, then report issues in GNOME GitLab with the label “8. User Docs” or contribute patches yourself.) -
This also included updating a majority of outdated screenshots (both English and localized versions when feasible) across projects.
I also took the liberty to push quite some trivial markup fixes in some translations when a language was not already reserved for translation on GNOME’s translation platform (as such actions would interfere).
Great work as always!
Thanks also for all the bug triaging that you do, especially in gedit ;) I will normally have more time to devote to gedit in the coming months. Reviewing and updating the user manual helps me discover corners of gedit that I didn’t know :-) (or that no longer works and needs to be fixed).
Thank you!
I have seen many of your commits around, and that is much appreciated.