Just a quick follow-up to my last post about boxes: if you want something to test boxes with or if you just want to get a first impression of GNOME 3.6, we have live images of GNOME 3.5.91 available now:
Thank you very much!
I’m using Fedora 17 and I’ll try this live before install 😀
it would be great for GNOME project (and us, its users :)) to release this kind of images on a regular basis.
Great news!
As others say, it would be great if somehow, the recipe to create it was more documented so that it would be easier to create them 🙂
GNOME 3.6 is coming!!
Nice work, Matthias. One suggestion for future images is to use a non-debugging version of the F18 kernel. Usually they have a git0.1 in the release name.
The kernel built with debugging options is much slower, on my hardware at least.
Can I install this image on my hard drive? :3
No, this is not an installable image, it is just for testing and trying out.
As I understands it, boxes uses libvirt wich should be able to handle Virtualbox Hypervisor… so is there a way to use Boxes with existing Virtualbox images?
I saw somewhere about the animation when user click on dash button…it was cool. In this image it isn’t seems to be included.
It was removed?
Btw, great job.