
Hey guys, we are right now in the Bungalow 525, doing a hackfest, if you want to try a new kind of pleasure come here and ask for Palomo, just tell him “I want to afilate you!” and you can join the party 🙂


So here i’m at Vilanova i la Geltrú, right now i’m listening to the talk of Germán about “Como involucrarse en el GNOME extendiendo las aplicaciones”. In the afternoon we have the FreeFA Tournament in the Vilanova Stadium so we have fun for a long time.

Bastien remember, the Marine Blue team will be the winner 🙂

Let’s play

Hey you’re a football player? wanna be a football player at GUADEC? this is one of the last change for getting your name on the list of players, I mean one of the last because we have like 36 players right now and we need around 40, as you noticed there just a few inscriptions left, so men if you wanna play just fill your name on the list. If you aren’t a good player it doesn’t really matter, we just want to spend a great time with all the guys who collaborate and participate in the GNOME project.

GNOME Football Match

During the GUADEC7 at Vilanova i la Geltrú we want to play a football match, so we have created a page at, with some info about the match, on the beginning it will be a futsal match but if we could get enough players, we can go for a Futbol-7 or for a Futbol match (11 players each side). If you want to play please fill your name on the list, i hope we don’t get too much goalkeepers 😛

Remember this is a unique opportunity for kicking your favorite GNOME Developer!

some things


My Sister Loreto is in Chile for this month, is been a long time since her last visit. She was totally surprised to see the new things that are building in our City of Santiago, new Metro lines, some new highways, etc, and well some new streets are totally unrecognizable, like the “Paradero 14” of Vicuña Mackenna, she was astonished when she saw the park in which we played when we were children’s transformed into the Metro station of Quilín, that’s sad, but you know, is the price that we need to pay for the progress…


drink what?!


The last friday i went with my dad to do some stuffs and we leaved our car next to the Metro station of Ñuble, when we come back to the station to pickup the car, guess what… the car wasn’t there. We walk across the street to watch it, maybe we park it in other place, but no, the car was stoled. yeah we did all the denounces and all that, so right now we can only wait for news about it, hope they will be good.


Everything can’t be bad, I’ve found a new job, for now i can’t talk too much about it, but, is a really good place to work.