GNOME Reunion at UCentral

The past saturday we held the ninth GNOME reunion in the ucentral which is located in our lovely city of Santiago, I’m really happy to see again a couple of assistants of the past reunion, as i far i know some of them are already contributing doing some translations. Before we start i gave a small trip by GNOME 2.12 and show them the new characteristics of our dear project.

Some attenders

Sadly i can’t stay until the end of the reunion, because i had a couple of things to do, sorry guys. oh yeah and one exhibitor didn’t attend and even turn off his cell phone, dude you know the meaning of “responsibility”?, i guess not. Ok so Maybe the next reunion will be hosted at Concepción i don’t know when but soon, stay tuned!.

Horst von Brand talking about his experience with Free Software Development.

meetings here and there

Everything is going great for celebrate the next GNOME Meeting (or RFDG like some people want to call) in Santiago, The Universidad Central has offered to be the host, thanks guys you are awesome. So if you want to present your application, to talk about something that you feel would be interesting, learn about GNOME development or just share with us, come to the reunion, I guess we are going to have free sopaipillas or something like that.

cowardly friends

cowardly friends…

I really hope to see this time some lazy people that doesn’t like to travel to Santiago :-). My friend Diego told me that we can organize something in his Institute, where the last year we held the Third Meeting, and Fabian (which still doesn’t give me the tomatoes) have some news from the Universidad de Concepción, so we have like two meetings to confirm, yay!.

Oh yeah and I can’t read my email, the mail server is damaged (again), the web interface doesn’t work and the IMAP is closed…


The past Saturday we held our GNOME Meeting in Santiago, everything was quite good and entertained, there was a bunch of attenders, people were friendly and happy, for me was quite pleasant to be able to share with some old friends, like Fabian and his kindly girlfriend Andrea (guys you owe me a box of tomatoes!), and I had the opportunity to met some nice people that I only knew through the Internet. Thanks again UDLA!

Some attenders

Sadly we had to start like an hour late, because the guy who made the contact with the university woke up late…, dude PLEASE buy a good alarm clock or two.

The Rocket!”

After the reunion we went to a bar called ShopDog, the one located in Providencia, we had a nice talk, ate some “Empanadas” and drank the cool beer, i had to leave the bar early, because my brother and his family was in the city and I wanted to share with him, so we went to buy some food for the dinner and had a pleasant family dinner in my home.

Here we go again

The Saturday 6 of August we are going to hold the third GNOME Meeting of this year in the dependencies of the “Universidad de las Americas” located in Republica 71, Santiago. If you want to learn about GNOME developing, documentation, translation, etc, come on and join us!

It has been decided to change the name of the meeting from RFHG to RFDG due to the “bad press”. I don’t know if is a good change, when the journalists interviewed us, we clarified the doubts they had about the meeting and especially about the “Hacker” terminology that they tend to confuse, of course we took advantage of the instance to promote GNOME and the Meeting, so we had something that people called “bad press”, but I guess it was “press anyways”. The new name isn’t really hot, but I hope that after the meeting we have a new fresh and hottest name.

we want some of that

The European Parliament has throw out the software patents, this is really cool and is an issue that in Latin America we should care about. I hope that the Chilean politicians worry about these kinds of things instead of fighting each
other. For sure the recent visit of Lawrence Lessig , will help a lot in this aspect.

andres doing what he do best

cuanto vale el show antiguo

Today i got a really cool visit, juan carlos said me on the msn this:

<jci> Hey pedro!, wake up!

<jci> basilio is on santiago!
<jci> come on and join us for a beer!
<pedro> hey! so… as far you know is raining on the city
<pedro> come to my house dude, we can share something in here!

so basilio and jci are on my house right now, and basilio reminds me about something that the last weekend i talked with javiera, andres’s girlfriend, an old woman whose name is yolanda montecinos :-).

she rocks a lot in the 90’s


Today i finally saw the Episode III The Revenge of the Sith, is really amazing i love it, the lightsaber fights were awesome!, when i saw the first and the second episode i liked more the sith’s, however this episode changed my opinion, Obi-Wan Kenobi is far the most great lightsaber fighter, sadly they gonna get killed on the four episode… god damn Darth Vader. By the way i found this cool game on the net.

I won to Vader, who is now the most powerful ah?!

Hey you… SHUT UP!

The last thursday i travel to Chillán to assist the next day to the “Primer Ciclo de Charlas GNU/Linux” that the Virginio Gomez Institute organized, everything was pretty amazing and the guys from the organization were very kind with us they even organized a roasted with a lot of meat and of course they didn’t lack the famous “longanizas de chillán”.

some attenders with his new ubuntu cds.

I guess is really boring travel in the winter to the south of Chile and not see any rain, for my lucky in the afternoon happened what i was hopping, a cool and hard rain, later in the day went with Fernando and Juan Carlos to the train station to get our tickets, they were going to Talca and I to Santiago, so in order to spend the time we went to a restaurant next to the terminal, we were doing hour until the 12:30 am, then we went again to the train station to wait by our train that arrived around the 2:00 am.

the train

The train entering the Chillán station

The only disagreeable thing of the trip was an old man snoring as if it was in his house, at some moments gave me desire to throw to him some ball of paper, kick his nuts or something, the yerk snore almost the 5 hours of the travel… and then when we got Santiago the train steward wake up him and the stupid even snored wide-awake!, I never saw something like that before… anyways, he had luck to remain more time on the train, or i would have invented something to take revenge when he lowered of the wagon.