Apart from replacing many broken links to git.gnome.org or replacing links to GNOME Bugzilla with links to GNOME Gitlab in many code repositories and wiki pages, in the last months I spent some good time updating random GNOME user docs all over the place:
- The user docs for Rhythmbox 3.4.3, GNOME Chess 3.32, five-or-more 3.32 and four-in-a-row 3.32 should be up-to-date.
- The Totem 3.32 user documentation is up-to-date and now in Mallard format, based on work started in 2013 by Magda and Kat.
- The screenshots in the user help of gnome-klotski, simple-scan, swell-foop, tali, and zenity are up-to-date.
- Updated hopefully all places which mentioned an application menu now replaced by a menu button.
- Removed a bunch of unused help images from some repositories shipped for no reason and bloating tarballs.
Enjoy and check the GNOME Wiki if you are interested in working on user documentation!