Bad news, movies and music

Bad news today:

  • A woman committed suicide in the building where I work. She threw herself from a window in the 12th floor.
  • More coward bombing in London.

I and Carol saw the following movies:

I played some days ago in Canavieiras (a litle city near Salvador) with Paroano Sai Milhó band. Paroano Sai Milhó is one of the most traditional carnival groups of Bahia – more than 42 years of existence. We play popular brazilian songs and rhythms like ijexá, samba, frevo, galope, baião, xote and many others. Canavieiras is a beautiful place. Here are some photos:

Canivieiras has wonderful beaches

Snake found in the beach

We play dressed as clowns

People that saw our show

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Lucas Rocha is just a brazilian guy who loves hacking and music. He lives in the frozen lands of Finland with his lovely wife Carol. He works for Nokia in the development of Hildon and Maemo. In his free time, he's a happy GNOME contributor. He has a mustache, a beard and big smile in his face.

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