The GNOME Journal, June Edition

The latest issue of the GNOME Journal has just been published. It
features insights into the role of end-users in the GNOME community,
and an interview with Emmanuele Bassi, gnome-utils maintainer and
GTK+ developer. Writers in this edition are Vincent Untz, and Lucas
Rocha, respectively. Read now!

Unfortunately this edition has only two articles. We from GJ hope to have more writers for the next editions! Call for articles open for the august edition. Get involved! :-)

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Lucas Rocha is just a brazilian guy who loves hacking and music. He lives in the frozen lands of Finland with his lovely wife Carol. He works for Nokia in the development of Hildon and Maemo. In his free time, he's a happy GNOME contributor. He has a mustache, a beard and big smile in his face.

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