About Flatpak installations

If you have tried Flatpak, you probably know that it can install apps per user or system-wide.  Installing an app system-wide has the advantage that all users on the system can use it. Installing per-user has the advantage that it doesn’t require privileges.

Most of the time, that’s more than enough choice. But there is more.

Standard locations

Before moving on, it is useful to briefly look at where Flatpak installs apps by default.

flatpak install --system flathub org.gnome.Todo

When you install an app like this. it ends up in in /var/lib/flatpak. If you instead use the –user option, it ends up in ~/.local/share/flatpak. To be 100% correct, I should say $XDG_DATA_HOME/flatpak, since Flatpak does respect the XDG basedir spec.

Anatomy of an installation

Flatpak calls the places where it installs apps installations. Every installation has a few subdirectories that are useful to know:

  • repo – this is the OSTree repository where the files for the installed apps and runtimes reside. It is a single repository, so all the apps and runtimes that are part of the same installation get the benefit of deduplication via content-addressing.
  • exports – when an app is installed, Flatpak extracts some files that need to be visible to the outside world, such a desktop files, icons, D-Bus services files, and this is where they end up.
  • appstream – a flatpak repository contains the appstream data for the apps it contains as a separate branch, and Flatpak extracts it on the client-side for consumers like KDE’s Discover or GNOME Software.
  • app, runtime – the deployed versions of apps and runtimes get checked out here. Diving deeper, you see the files of an app in app/org.gimp.GIMP/current/active/files. This directory is what gets mounted in the sandbox as /app if you run the GIMP.

Custom installations

So far, so good. But maybe you have a setup with dozens of machines, and have an existing setup where /opt is shared. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a flatpak installation there, instead of duplicating it in /var on every machine ? This is where custom installations come in.

You can tell Flatpak about another place to  install apps by dropping a file in /etc/flatpak/installations.d/. It can be as simple as the following:

[Installation "bigleaf"]

See the flatpak-installation man page for all the details about this file.

GNOME Software currently doesn’t know such custom installations, and you will have to adjust the shell glue in /etc/profile.d/flatpak.sh for GNOME shell to see apps from there, but that is easy enough.

A patch to make flatpak.sh pick up custom installations automatically would be a welcome contribution!

Apps on a stick

Flatpak has a few more tricks up its sleeve when it comes to sharing apps between machines. A pretty cool one is the recently added create-usb command. It lets you copy one (or more) apps on a usb stick, and install it from there on another machine. While trying this out, I hit a few hurdles, that I’ll briefly point out here.

To make this work, Flatpak relies on an extra piece of information about the remote, the collection ID. The collection ID is a property of the actual remote repository. Flathub has one, org.flathub.Stable.

To make use of it, we need to add it to the configuration for the remote, like this:

$ flatpak remote-modify --collection-id=org.flathub.Stable flathub
$ flatpak update

If you don’t add the collection ID to your remote configuration, you will be greeted by an error saying “Remote ‘flathub’ does not have a collection ID set”. If you omit the flatpak update, the error will say “No such branch (org.flathub.Stable, ostree-metadata) in repository”.

Another error you may hit is “fsetxattr: Operation not supported”.  I think the create-usb command is meant to work with FAT-formatted usb sticks, so this will hopefully be fixed soon. For now, just format your usb stick as EXT4.

After these preparations, we are ready for:

$ flatpak --verbose create-usb /run/media/mclasen/Flatpak org.gimp.GIMP

which will take some time to copy things to the usb stick (which happes to be mounted at /run/media/mclasen/Flatpak) . When this command is done, we can inspect the contents of the OSTree repository like this:

$ flatpak remote-ls file:///run/media/mclasen/Flatpak/.ostree/repo

Flatpak copied not just the GIMP itself, but also runtimes and extensions that it uses. This ensures that we can install the app from the usb stick even if some of these related refs are missing on the target system.

But of course, we still need to see it work! So I uninstalled the GIMP, disabled my network, plugged the usb stick back in, and:

$ flatpak install --user flathub org.gimp.GIMP
0 metadata, 0 content objects imported; 569 B transferred in 0 seconds

flatpak install: Error updating remote metadata for 'flathub': [6] Couldn't resolve host name
Installing in user:
org.gimp.GIMP/x86_64/stable flathub 1eb97e2d4cde
permissions: ipc, network, wayland, x11
file access: /tmp, host, xdg-config/GIMP, xdg-config/gtk-3.0
dbus access: org.gtk.vfs, org.gtk.vfs.*
Is this ok [y/n]: y
Installing for user: org.gimp.GIMP/x86_64/stable from flathub
[####################] 495 metadata, 4195 content objects imported; 569 B transferred in 1 seconds
Now at 1eb97e2d4cde.

Voilà, an offline installation of a Flatpak. I left the error message in there as proof that I was actually offline 🙂 A nice detail of the collection ID approach is that Flatpak knows that it can still update the GIMP from flathub when I’m online.

Coming soon, peer-to-peer

This post is already too long, so I’ll leave peer-to-peer and advertising Flatpak repositories on the local network via avahi for another time.

Until then, happy Flatpaking! 💓📦💓📦


Flatpak portal experiments

One of the signs that a piece of software is reaching a mature state is its ability to serve  use cases that nobody had anticipated when it was started. I’ve recently had this experience with Flatpak.

We have been discussing some possible new directions for the GTK+ file chooser. And it occurred to me that it might be convenient to use the file chooser portal as a way to experiment with different file choosers without having to change either GTK+ itself or the applications.

To verify this idea, I wrote a quick portal implementation that uses the venerable GTK+ 2 file chooser.

Here is Corebird (a GTK+ 3 application) using the GTK+ 2 file chooser to select an image.

On Flatpak updates

Maybe you remember times when updating your system was risky business – your web browser might crash of start to behave funny because the update pulled data files or fonts out from underneath the running process, leading to fireworks or, more likely, crashes.

Flatpak updates on the other hand are 100% safe. You can call

 flatpak update

and the running instances of are not affected in any way. Flatpak keeps existing deployments around until the last user is gone.  If you quit the application and restart it, you will get the updated version, though.

This is very nice, and works just fine. But maybe we can do even better?

Improving the system

It would be great if the system was aware of the running instances, and offered me to restart them to take advantage of the new version that is now available. There is a good chance that GNOME Software will gain this feature before too long.

But for now, it does not have it.

Do it yourself

Many apps, in particular those that are not native to the Linux distro world, expect to update themselves, and we have had requests to enable this functionality in flatpak. We do think that updating software is a system responsibility that should be controlled by global policies and be under the users control, so we haven’t quite followed the request.

But Flatpak 1.0 does have an API that is useful in this context, the “Flatpak portal“. It has a Spawn method that allows applications to launch a process in a new sandbox.

Spawn (IN  ay    cwd_path,
       IN  aay   argv,
       IN  a{uh} fds,
       IN  a{ss} envs,
       IN  u     flags,
       IN  a{sv} options,
       OUT u     pid)

There are several use cases for this, from sandboxing thumbnailers (which create thumbnails for possibly untrusted content files) to sandboxing web browser tabs individually. The use case we are interested in here is restarting the latest version of the app itself.

One complication that I’ve run into when trying this out is the “unique application” pattern that is built into GApplication and similar application classes: Since there is already an owner for the application ID on the session bus, my newly spawned version will just back off and exit. Which is clearly not what I intended in this case.

Make it stop

The workaround I came up with is not very pretty, but functional. It requires several parts.

First, I need a “quit” action exported on the session bus. The newly spawned version will activate this action of the running instance to convince it to go away. Thankfully, my example app already had this action, for the Quit item in the app menu.

I don’t want this to happen unconditionally, but only if I am spawning a new version. To achieve this, I made my app only activate “quit” if the –replace option is present, and add that option to the commandline that I pass to the “Spawn” call.

The code for this part is less pretty than it could be, since GApplication gets in the way a bit. I have to manually check for the –replace option and do the “quit” D-Bus call by hand.

Doing the “quit” call synchronously is not quite enough to avoid a race condition between the running instance dropping the bus name and my new instance attempting to take it. Therefore, I explicitly wait for the bus name to become unowned before entering g_application_run().

But it all works fine. To test it, i exported a “restart” action and added it to the app menu.

Tell me about it

But who can remember to open the app menu and click “Restart”. That is just too cumbersome. Thankfully, flatpak has a solution for this: When you update an app that is running, it creates a marker file named


inside the sandbox for each running instance.

That makes it very easy for the app to find out when it has been updated, by just monitoring this file. Once the file appears, it can pop up a dialog that offers the user to restart the newer version of the app. A good quality implementation of this will of course save and restore the state when doing this.

Voilá, updates made easy!

You can find the working example in the portal-test repository.