Reporting live from GNOME Docs Hackfest at Norridge, East Anglia.
Fréd arrived after bypassing some tree falling on his way. But he was very late. Shaun is still in a snowstorm. Ryan has escaped that already. But fearless leader Kat, Dave, Julita, Phil, Michael, and Baptiste made it. Petr plans to arrive in the middle of the night. If his plane does not decide to make even more problems.
Julita plans to refresh the structure of the Evolution user docs to make it more compact plus might take a peek at GNOME Developer Platform Demos.
Phil “arrived on a train, that was pretty good, and I’ve actually resolved a third of the licensing issues of GNOME system monitor.”
Michael and Baptiste visited the Protestant cathedral. Michael worked on system monitor and taking screenshots. Baptiste also kept contact to Fréd so he does not feel too alone and lost. And Sindhu joined remotely.
I went through numerous documentation related bug reports and updated them (plus as a side effect created statistics about all those many unmaintained modules in GNOME Git).
For a short moment I also wondered: Why does GNOME push for using AppData files if we have extensible DOAP files already in each repository? Hmm.

Documentation fans in the backyard of the venue (photo by Michael Hill)
Richard Hughes wanted the app data files in place to accommodate for gnome-software module. I remember writing one for Gitg.
But why would extending our existing DOAP files not work, instead of coming up with a new format?
According to for two reasons:
– Translations
– DOAP comes per project and not per installable software