libspelling ABI cleanup

In the summer of ’23 I quickly put together a minimal library for spellchecking in GTK 4 from what I built for Text Editor and Builder. It has a fun little hybrid piecetable/B+Tree (bplus) which is probably the most complicated part of it.

And by quickly, I mean it was created over the course of about two hours because I got tired of hearing the same reasons why people weren’t porting to GTK 4.

Needless to say, not much thought went into naming things nicely for a library. But I’d like to progress towards actually committing to an ABI for libspelling and I’ve just made the changes I want in that.

Consider this a notice that the next release of libspelling will break ABI. However, it almost certainly won’t affect you. I don’t know of any consumers of it that are doing anything beyond connecting the GtkTextBuffer adapter whose API was untouched.

The changes were mostly cosmetic and will aid future contributors ability to understand the project.

As always, you can read the documentation.