Ptyxis Progress Support

The upcoming systemd v257 release will have support for a feature originating from ConEmu (a terminal emulator for Windows) which was eventually adopted by Windows Terminal.

Specifically, it is an OSC (Operating System Command) escape sequence which defines progress state.

Various systemd tools will natively support this. Terminal emulators which do not support it simply ignore the OSC sequence but those that do support it may provide additional UI to the application.

Lennart discussed this briefly in their ongoing systemd v257 features series on Mastodon and so I took up a quick attempt to implement the sequence parsing for VTE-based terminals.

That has since been iterated upon and landed in VTE. Additionally, Ptyxis now has corresponding code to support it as well.

Once GNOME CI is back up and running smoothly this will be available in the Ptyxis nightly build.

A screenshot of Ptyxis running in a window with two tabs. One of the tabs has a progress indicator icon showing about 75 percent completion of a task.

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