
So, I’ll attend FISL this year. I’ll be giving a talk about Maemo and another about the latest news of GNOME. The latter is part of the GNOME brazilian community meeting where we’ll also have a talk by the pt_BR localization team and some discussion about marketing activities, how to bring more brazilian contributors to GNOME and so on. If you’re planning to attend FISL next week and love GNOME, you can’t miss it! :-)

I’m really excited about FISL this year because it will be a nice oportunity to go meet some of my best friends and nice free software people (well, those two groups overlap in many cases).

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Lucas Rocha is just a brazilian guy who loves hacking and music. He lives in the frozen lands of Finland with his lovely wife Carol. He works for Nokia in the development of Hildon and Maemo. In his free time, he's a happy GNOME contributor. He has a mustache, a beard and big smile in his face.

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