Roadmap Process – Reminder for GNOME maintainers

Dear GNOME maintainers, the deadline to reply the roadmap information request for your modules is May 7. It’s very important to have your replies so that we can have a high quality roadmap for our next stable releases.

To know more about the Roadmap Process, go to:

To keep track of all the gathered Roadmap information, go to:

The Roadmap Process is going really well so far and I think we’ll be able to spot some really nice things about us as a community (I’ll blog about it later).

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Lucas Rocha is just a brazilian guy who loves hacking and music. He lives in the frozen lands of Finland with his lovely wife Carol. He works for Nokia in the development of Hildon and Maemo. In his free time, he's a happy GNOME contributor. He has a mustache, a beard and big smile in his face.

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