MSN Shutdown in 2003

During CA640 I was made to write an ethical review which I was supposed to hand in using a dodgy webservice. Since it got 90% people mugged me to make it available 😉 Of course, I don’t have a problem with that, so people now have a reference or know what to expect when they enter the course.

You can find the PDF here and its abstract reads:

At the end 2003 Microsoft closed the public chat-rooms of its Internet service called MSN.
MSN was pushed by Children’s Charities because they feared an abuse of these chat-rooms.
In some countries, however, the service was still available but subject to a charge.
This review raises ethical questions about Microsoft’s and the Children’s Charities’ behaviour because making the people pay with the excuse of protecting children is considered ethically questionable.
Also the Children’s Charities pushed for closure of a heavily used service although there is absolutely no evidence that children would be safer after closing down a chat-room.

If you are not interested in the non-technical details you might be interested to know that I use a Mercurial Hook on the server side to automatically compile the LaTeX sources one I push changes to the server:

$ cat .hg/hgrc
changegroup.compile = export FILE=paper && hg up -C && pdflatex --interaction=batchmode $FILE && bibtex $FILE && pdflatex --interaction=batchmode $FILE && pdflatex --interaction=batchmode $FILE

And then I just symlink that resulting PDF file to my public_html directory.

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