GtkSourceView branching


We’re currently finishing up the cycle towards GNOME 3.36, which means it’s almost time to start branching and thinking about what we want to land early in the 3.37 development cycle. My goal is to branch gtksourceview-4-6 which will be our long-term stable branch for gtksourceview-4.x (similar to how the gnome-3-24 branch is our long-term stable for the gtksourceview-3.x series. After that, master will move to GTK 4 as we start to close in on GTK 4 development. The miss-alignment in version numbers is an unfortunate reality, but a reality I inherited so we’ll keep on keepin’ on.

That means if you are not setting a branch in your flatpak manifests, you will want to start doing that when we branch (probably in the next couple of weeks) or your builds will start to fail. Presumably, this only will affect your Nightly builds, because who targets upstream master in production builds, not you surely!


I’ve started moving some features from Builder into GtkSourceView. However, I’m limiting those to the GTK 4 port because I don’t particularly want to add new ABI right before putting a branch into long-term stability mode. The first to be uplifted into GtkSourceView is Builder’s snippet engine. It also went through quite a bit of rewrite and simplification as part of this process to make it more robust. Furthermore, having moved undo/redo into GtkTextBuffer directly has done wonders from a correctness standpoint. The snippet engine used to easily be confused by the undo/redo engine.

The most difficult part of the snippet engine is dealing with GtkTextMark that are adjacent. In particular if you have each snippet focus-position wrapped in marks. Adjacent, empty mark ranges can end up overlapping each other and you have to be particularly diligent to prevent that. But the code in the branch has a pretty good handle on that, much better than what I had done in the past inside of Builder.

The bits I still need to do to finish up the snippet engine:

  • Land the GTK 4 port on master.
  • Add various style tags to bundled style schemes.
  • Documentation of course.
  • A new snippet manager, file format, and parser. We’ll probably switch to XML for this so it matches language-spec and style-scheme instead of our adhoc format from Builder.

Future work


After the GTK 4 port and snippet engine has landed, I’ll probably turn my work towards updating the completion APIs to take advantage of various GLib/GIO advancements from recent years (similar to what we did in Builder). We can also do a bit of style refreshing there based on what Builder did too.


If we can find a nice API for it, I’d like to land a basic indenter API as well. The one we have in Builder has worked, but it’s not exactly simple to write new indenters. Then we can start having contributions upstream which can be tied to a specific language-spec. Doing language specific stuff is always nice.

Movements Engine

How you move through a GtkTextView is rather simplistic. There are a number of keyboard accelerators for common movements but they are far more restrictive than what you’d expect from a code editor. In Builder we’ve had custom signals to do more robust movements which the VIM, Emacs, and Sublime emulation builds off.

We can make this more robust in the future using GTK 4’s widget actions. I plan to move a lot of the custom movements from Builder into GtkSourceView so that we can eventually have keyboard shortcut emulation upstream.

Event Controllers

One of the trickiest (and dirtiest) bits of code in Builder is our VIM keybindings emulation for the editor. It always was meant to be a hack to get us to GTK 4, and it did that fine. But we should let it end with that as the constraints from a gtkrc-based (GTK 2.x) system ported to CSS (GTK 3.x) is simply too much pain to bare.

In GTK 4 we have event controllers, especially those for handling keyboard input. I think it is possible for us to move much of a VIM emulation layer (for input) into an event controller (or GtkGesture even). Given that this would use C code instead of CSS, I’d have a much easier time dealing with all the hundreds of corner cases where VIM is internally inconsistent, but expected behavior.

Hover Providers

The Language Server Protocol has had success at abstracting a number of things, including the concept of “Hover Providers”. These are essentially interactive tooltips. Builder has support for them built upon transient GtkPopover. This seems like a possible candidate to move up to GtkSourceView too.

Other Possibilities

Some other possibilities, given enough interest, could be our OmniGutterRenderer from Builder (with integrated debug breakpoint and diagnostic integration), line-change gutter renderers (which can be connected to Git, SVN, etc), reformatting, semantic highlighting, and multiple cursors. However that last one is incredibly difficult to do from a completeness standpoint as it might need some level of plumbing down in GtkTextView for robustness sake.