It’s no secret I have way more projects to manage than hours in the day.
I hope to rectify this by sharing more knowledge on how my projects are built. The most important project, Builder, is quite a large code-base. It is undoubtedly daunting to dive in and figure out where to start.
Here is a sort of engineers journal (PDF) in book form about how the components fit together. The writing tries to be brief and to the point. You can always reference the source code for finer points.
There is so much more that can happen with Builder if we have regular contributors and subsystem maintainers.
We still need to bring back a new designer. We still need real strong git commit integration. We still need a physical device simulator to go with our architecture emulator. Our debugger API could use data visualizers and support for the debug-adapter-protocol. Container integration has a long tail of desired features.
You get the idea.
Lots of exciting features will happen once people dive into the code-base to learn more. Hopefully this book helps you along that journey.