- Arrived last night at Las Palmas, Gran Canaria. This city looks a lot like Salvador, my home city!
- Dinner with Stormy, Jonathan, Zana, and Vincent at a nice Spanish (duh!) restaurant. I ate so much that I’m still feeling stuffed today!
- Foundation Board meeting during the whole day today.
Author: lucasr
GNOME Website Plan for 2.28
We’re working hard to have a beta version of the GNOME website by September 21, GNOME 2.28 release. I’m trying to keep everyone very focused in a clear and concrete plan:
The May 27 milestone was a total success! So, what do we have now? The Content team (working with the Marketing team) has the initial plan for the content structure. The Design team has published the initial design proposal for the website. The CMS team has set an initial plan for the basic content, front page, translation and deployment. The Plone work is all being documented in our wiki.
The next milestone (June 15) is about consolidating the content structure, delivering the final design in an implementable form (HTML/CSS), setting up a test website in GNOME servers and having front page and basic content types implemented in our Plone instance. Paul is now working on mapping the content that was previously produced to make sure we reuse it as much as possible. Andreas and Vinicius want feedback on the proposed design and will be working on implementing the design in HTML/CSS during this milestone so that it can be easily applied in our Plone website.
New contributors are more than welcome! If you think you can help with content and design, please subscribe to marketing list. If you want to contribute to the Plone implementation, join the web mailing list. In all cases, please introduce yourself after you’re subscribed.
Promote the Friends of GNOME program!
Thanks to the nice work the marketing team has been doing, we now have a bunch of cool badges to promote the Friends of GNOME program! I’ve already added a badge to my blog – and Stormy, Glynn, Behdad, Jonh, Paul, Jaap, Andreas, and many others too. What are you waiting for? Go to our Friends of GNOME promotion page and add one of our badges to your website! Besides that, any help on spreading the word about the program is more than welcome!
We’ll be probably posting something about the program status soon.
10nD0n L1F3
- Moved to a better/cheaper/larger apartment in the same cool area in London. Perfect! After all the hassle of the move, we are really enjoying our new home and neighborhood!
- Work at litl is fastly and intensely moving forward. So intense that I’ve been feeling a bit burnt out for GNOME stuff… I’m trying to catch up with my long list of pending GNOME tasks now.
- Really glad that we managed to come up with a plan for GNOME 3. There are still a lot of open questions which I hope will be answered as we move on the schedule. Another great move was our migration to git. We’ve got a very positive atmosphere inside the community now. That’s awesome!
- Cultural life in London simply rocks. I went to Stomp and Mama Mia, concerts of Richard Bona, Bosco de Oliveira, Vanessa da Mata, Ben Harper, a bunch of nice museums, parks, neighborhoods, open markets, etc, and planning to go to many more! That’s something I really missed in Finland.
- For some reason, my english accent tends to be a bit too American but I like the British English accent much more. I’m practicing my British English “Hello” and “So…” everyday. Maybe at some point I’ll have a a perfectly pronounced “Hello” but then there are all the other words to get the pronunciation right :-P
- Traveled to the simply beautiful Prague (photos) in March and to the weirdly amazing Amsterdam (photos, some more uploads pending…) in April. More travels being planned, yay!
- Got LittleBIGPlanet: fun, fun, fun. It’s the only game my wife and I get to play together (as she doesn’t like to play most of the games we have). So, it’s double fun for us.
- Looking forward to getting a new DSLR camera soon. I’m getting very annoyed by the unstable handling and the small viewfinder of my Canon 350D. I’ve heard Canon 450D has some good improvements over the 350D but I’m leaning towards a Canon 40D… Suggestions for camera models, places to sell my used camera, and stores with good deals for new cameras are welcome.
- Two awesome apps I started to use recently: GNOME Do and Miro.
- Latest playlist includes: Holly Golightly, Erykah Badu, Ornette Coleman, John Coltrane, Soulive, The New Mastersounds, Jill Scott, Amel Larrieux, Anthony Hamilton, Miles Davis, Fiona Apple, Sonny Rollins, Roberto Mendes, Stanton Moore, Ben Harper, Clube do Balanço, Black Rio, a lot more. Actually, I feel it’s time to renew my music collection with some new albums…
- I’m in Twitter now. It took some time until I got the point of microblogging. So far, it’s been an interesting experience.
- That’s all for now. Time to sleep.
The GNOME Journal, May Edition
The GNOME Journal is back! A brand new issue has just been published! It features an interview with Stormy Peters, the Executive Director of the GNOME Foundation by Jayson Rowe, a review of the Gourmet Recipe Manager application by Sriram Ramkrishna, a look at the GConf Configuation System for developers by Natan Yellin, an Introduction to the Message Indicator for developers by Ken VanDine, and a letter from our editor, Jim Hodapp.
Special thanks goes to Paul Cutler who coordinated the release of this edition!
Read now: http://www.gnomejournal.org
So, we have finally announced the GNOME 3.0 plan. I’m really confident about this plan. I’m sure a lot of new cool stuff will happen to GNOME from now on. Let’s make it happen!
Two Point Twenty Six!
Our office rocks… literally!
Click on the image to know where our office is in this photo by tko
New Friends of GNOME
We have just released the new Friends of GNOME website! It’s not only a new website, we now have:
- Much more clear presentation of the program which we hope will help us on getting more donors;
- “Adopt a Hacker” option, which allows you to subscribe for a monthly $10 donation;
- New gifts for donors: mugs, t-shirts, postcards, stickers, etc;
Big thanks to:
- Stormy, who’s responsible for the whole new presentation of the program;
- Zana, who’s the program admin, handling the relationship with donors and all the daily tasks surrounding Friends of GNOME;
- Andreas and Kalle, for the new website design;
- Owen, for the help on setting up the new website in the GNOME servers;
- GNOME marketing folks, who helped us with feedback and ideas;
- Everyone else who made this happen!
If you have any issues, suggestions, ideas about the new website, email us (fundraising at gnome.org).
So, what are you waiting for!? Go and Adopt a Hacker today!