Again, a small summary of my last week.
- Filed a couple of bugs that annoyed me. My favourite: My main monitor dies randomly. Let’s hope it’s not a hardware issue. That’d seriously put me back. In fact, it’s quite cumbersome to reanimate my monitor in the middle of a working session… Oh. And qemu crashes 🙁 That’s really unfortunate for me atm.
- Subscribed and quickly unsubscribed qemu-devel mailinglist. Way too noisy. Those low-level people don’t seem to like using bug tracker or smth like ReviewPad to submit patches. Very stressful.
- Enjoyed a long weekend in Hamburg including watching some Worldcup games
- Read through Qemu code and tried to grasp how things play together.
- Started to implement simple USB packet filter. spent ages resolving a logical error: I checked for retval != -23 whereas I should have checked for retval == -23 🙁
We can haz new commands So I have exported a new command to the QEmu monitor. And we can even attach some logic to that new command:
Logic attached, nothing works yet though Everything returns -1 at this stage though. So the actual implementation still needs to be done.
- It literally takes a whole night for me to boot anything with qemu though 🙁 That’s a real pain and I cannot work that way. My CPU is one of the few modern Intel CPUs that does not support hardware virtualisation 🙁 I need to think of a solution.
- I still don’t really have a timeline 😐
- Our deadline is on 2010-08-20 and we are supposed to hand in 3 hard copies and one soft copy. I wondering whether I have to go back to Dublin to hand my hard copies in.