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Category: life
HanseNet Speed
Well, I got curious how good my connection really is, so I did a (flash based) browser test on The result is rather bad: 6MBit/s down and 300kBit/s up, while I pay for 16MBit/s down and 1MBit/s up.
I’ll move to and pay a little more for 100MBit/s down and 5MBit/s up 🙂
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Gadgets from Hongkong
I ordered some gagdets from, after read about that shop. I know for quite some time now, but I’ve never dared to order something. And I’ve never heard about focalprice, which seems to be more or less the same shop anyway.
I’d say they delivered very fast. It just took 2.5 weeks to ship that stuff from Hongkong… Another interesting fact is, that German post delivered that as registered mail, which is positive, though.
Well then, I’m off playing with my new gadgets 😉
Moores Law
Happy 1234567890 :)
$ date -d @1234567890
Sa 14. Feb 00:31:30 CET 2009
Happy Valentines Day